captain / subsonic

A streaming music server. Based on Subsonic, with MusicCabinet integration.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Subsonic is a web-based music streaming service, created by Sindre Mehus and released under the GPL.

This project is forked from Subsonic version 4.6, adding extensive integration through the MusicCabinet library. See for details.

There's an introduction to the project at


To use this add-on, you need a PostgreSQL database running on the same host as your Subsonic server. There are pre-built binary packages available for most platforms at During install:

  • you'll be asked to create a database user. Stick to the default name, "postgres".
  • you'll be asked to choose a port number. Stick to the default value, "5432".

You also need Java 7. Uninstalling Java 6 is a good idea, unless you don't explicitly need it.


The build process assumes that you have Java 7 or later and Maven 3 installed, and that PostgreSQL is running.

Clone to $workspace/musiccabinet
Update your PostgreSQL password in $workspace/musiccabinet/musiccabinet-server/src/main/resources/
cd $workspace/musiccabinet/musiccabinet-server
mvn compile
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.github.hakko.musiccabinet.service.DatabaseAdministrationService
mvn install

Clone to $workspace/subsonic.
cd $workspace/subsonic
mvn install
cd $workspace/subsonic/subsonic-booter
mvn install

cd $workspace/subsonic/subsonic-installer-standalone
mvn package

To also build a .war file that runs on a Tomcat server, execute:

cd $workspace/subsonic/subsonic-main
mvn -P tomcat package

If a test case fails during build, please report and re-run with mvn -fn as a workaround.


  1. If you're already running Subsonic: stop your service, and backup your settings. (Just in case.)
  2. Go to $workspace/subsonic/subsonic-installer-standalone/target.
  3. Unzip to preferred install directory.
  4. In the install directory, tweak and run the script to start your new server.

Log in to Subsonic as usual (localhost:4040, as admin/admin) and click the "Configure MusicCabinet" link (the header). It should be pretty self-explanatory from there.

Please note that the initial import of data from will take a while, roughly 30 minutes per 10.000 tracks. You can follow the progress meanwhile but MusicCabinet features won't work until it's finished.


A streaming music server. Based on Subsonic, with MusicCabinet integration.