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Documentation for the World of Warcraft web APIs.

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WoW Community Web API

This is the documentation for the RESTful APIs exposed through the World of Warcraft community site as a service to the World of Warcraft community.

To view the inlined gist json examples you should view this document at


The Blizzard Community Platform API provides a number of resources for developers and Wow enthusiasts to gather data about their characters, guilds and arena teams. This documentation is primarily for developers and third parties.

Blizzard's epic gaming experiences often take place in game, but can lead to rewarding and lasting experiences out of game as well. Through exposing key sets of data, we can enable the community to create extended communities to continue that epic experience.


Before getting started with the Community Platform API, programmers must first understand how the API is organized and how it works. The following sections provide a high level overview of the features of this API. It is recommended that the reader have knowledge of the HTTP protocol as well as a general understanding of web technologies.


The API is mostly RESTful. Data is exposed in the form of URIs that represent resources and can be fetched with HTTP clients (like web browsers). At this time, the API is limited to read-only operations.

The character and guild API resources do honor HTTP requests that contain the "If-Modified-Since" header.

Access and Regions

To access the API, HTTP requests can be made to specific URLs and resources exposed on the regional domains.

The data available through the API is limited to the region that it is in. Hence, US APIs accessed through will only contain data within US battlegroups and realms. Support for locales is limited to those supported on the World of Warcraft community sites.


All of the API resources provided adhere to the practice of providing localized strings using the locale query string parameter. The locales supported vary from region to region and align with those supported on the community sites.

To access a different region just provide the locale=pt_BR (for example) query parameter.

Example URL for the europe character race list localized in French

Region Host List

Region Host Available Locales
US en_US
Europe en_GB
Korea ko_KR
Taiwan zh_TW
China zh_CN


Consumers of the API can make a limited number of requests per day, as stated in the API Policy and Terms of Use. For anonymous consumers of the API, the number of requests that can be made per day is set to 3,000. Once that threshold is reached, depending on site activity and performance, subsequent requests may be denied. High limits are available to registered applications.


Although most of the application can be accessed without any form of authentication, we do support a form application registration and authentication. Application authentication involves creating and including an application identifier and a request signature and including those values with the request headers.

The primary benefit to making requests as an authenticated application is that you can make more requests per day.

Application Registration

To send authenticated request you first need to register an application. Because registration isn't automated, application registration is limited to those who meet the following criteria:

  • You plan on making requests from one or more IP addresses. (e.g. a production environment and development environment)

  • You can justify making more than 2,000 requests per day from one or more IP addresses.

Registering an application is a matter of providing a description of the application, how you plan on using the API and your contact information to with the subject "Application Registration Request". Once we receive your request, we will contact you to either provide additional information or with application keys to use.

Authentication Process

To authenticate a request, simple include the "Authorization" header with your application identifier and the request signature.

An example authenticated request

GET /api/wow/character/Medivh/Thrall HTTP/1.1
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 20:59:24 GMT
Authorization: BNET c1fbf21b79c03191d:+3fE0RaKc+PqxN0gi8va5GQC35A=

In the above exmple, the value of the Authorization header has three parts "BNET", "c1fbf21b79c03191d" and "+3fE0RaKc+PqxN0gi8va5GQC35A=". The first part is a processing directive for the Authorization header. The second and third values are the application public key and the request signature. The application public key is assigned by Blizzard during the application registration process. The signature is generated with each request and is described by the following algorithm.

UrlPath = <HTTP-Request-URI, from the port to the query string>

StringToSign = HTTP-Verb + "\n" +
    Date + "\n" +
    UrlPath + "\n";

Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( UTF-8-Encoding-Of( PrivateKey ), StringToSign ) );

Header = "Authorization: BNET" + " " + PublicKey + ":" + Signature;

The above process can be seen in action by filling in the blanks:

UrlPath = "/api/wow/realm/status"

StringToSign = "GET" + "\n" +
    "Fri, 10 Jun 2011 21:37:34 GMT" + "\n" +
    UrlPath + "\n";

Signature = Base64( HMAC-SHA1( UTF-8-Encoding-Of( "examplesecret" ), StringToSign ) );

Header = "Authorization: BNET" + " " + "examplekey" + ":" + Signature;

The date timestamp used in the above algorithm and example is the value of the Date HTTP header. The two date values, the first being used to sign the request and the second as sent with the request headers, must be the same and within 5 minutes of the current GMT time.

Important We strongly advise that client library developers make secure requests using SSL whenever application authentication is used.

Formats and Protocols

Data returned in the response message is provided in JSON format. Please refer to the examples provided with each API section for additional information.

Error Handling

Although several of the API resources have specific error responses that correspond to specific situations, there are several generic error responses that you should be aware of.

Errors are returned as JSON objects that contain "status" and "reason" attributes. The value of the "status" attribute will always be "nok". The reason will be an english string that may be, but is not limited to, one of the following strings.

Code Message Description
500 Invalid Application A request was made including application identification information, but either the application key is invalid or missing.
500 Invalid application permissions. A request was made to an API resource that requires a higher application permission level.
500 Access denied, please contact The application or IP address has been blocked from making further requests. This ban may not be permanent.
404 When in doubt, blow it up. (page not found) A request was made to a resource that doesn't exist.
500 If at first you don't succeed, blow it up again. (too many requests) The application or IP has been throttled.
500 Have you not been through enough? Will you continue to fight what you cannot defeat? (something unexpected happened) There was a server error or equally catastrophic exception preventing the request from being fulfilled.
500 Invalid authentication header. The application authorization information was mallformed or missing when expected.
500 Invalid application signature. The application request signature was missing or invalid. This will also be thrown if the request date outside of a 15 second window from the current GMT time.

An example API request and and error response

GET /api/wow/data/boss/45 HTTP/1.1
<http headers>
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
<http headers>

{"status":"nok", "reason": "When in doubt, blow it up. (page not found)"}

Achievement API

URL = Host + "/api/wow/achievement/" + AchievementID

This provides data about an individual achievement.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Auction API

Auction APIs currently provide rolling batches of data about current auctions. Fetching auction dumps is a two step process that involves checking a per-realm index file to determine if a recent dump has been generated and then fetching the most recently generated dump file if necessary.

Auction Data Status

This API resource provides a per-realm list of recently generated auction house data dumps.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/auction/data/" + realm

There are no required query string parameters when accessing this resource.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Auction Data Files

The current auctions data is represented as JSON structures containing auction data for the three auctions houses available on each realm. This file is served as a static file from the url listed in the above request. This means that it does not respond to locale or json parameters because it is not part of the api service. Requests to the actual data file also do not count towards any request limits.

BattlePet API


URL = Host + "/api/wow/battlePet/ability/" + AbilityID

This provides data about a individual battle pet ability ID. We do not provide the tooltip for the ability yet. We are working on a better way to provide this since it depends on your pet's species, level and quality rolls.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


URL = Host + "/api/wow/battlePet/species/" + SpeciesID

This provides the data about an individual pet species. The species ids can be found your character profile using the options pets field. Each species also has data about what it's 6 abilities are.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


URL = Host + "/api/wow/battlePet/stats/" + SpeciesID

Optional Parameters

Parameter Default Description
level 1 The Pet's level
breedId 3 The Pet's breed (can be retrieved from the character profile api)
qualityId 1 The Pet's quality (can be retrieved from the character profile api)
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Challenge Mode API

The Challenge Mode API displays the same information as the leader boards on the wow game site.

Realm Leaderboard

URL = Host + "/api/wow/challenge/" + Realm

Realm = <proper realm name> | <normalized realm name>

The data in this request has data for all 9 challenge mode maps (currently). The map field includes the current medal times for each dungeon. Inside each ladder we provide data about each character that was part of each run. The character data includes the current cached spec of the character while the member field includes the spec of the character during the challenge mode run.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Region Leaderboard

The region leaderboard has the exact same data format as the realm leaderboards except there is no realm field. It is simply the top 100 results gathered for each map for all of the available realm leaderboards in a region.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/challenge/region"

Character Profile API

The Character Profile API is the primary way to access character information. This Character Profile API can be used to fetch a single character at a time through an HTTP GET request to a URL describing the character profile resource. By default, a basic dataset will be returned and with each request and zero or more additional fields can be retrieved. To access this API, craft a resource URL pointing to the character whos information is to be retrieved.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/character/" + Realm + "/" + CharacterName

Realm = <proper realm name> | <normalized realm name>
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Optional Fields

This section contains a list of the optional fields that can be requested through the mentioned "fields" query string parameter.

Field Description
achievements A map of achievement data including completion timestamps and criteria information.
appearance A map of values that describes the face, features and helm/cloak display preferences and attributes.
feed The activity feed of the character.
guild A summary of the guild that the character belongs to. If the character does not belong to a guild and this field is requested, this field will not be exposed.
hunterPets A list of all of the combat pets obtained by the character.
items A list of items equipted by the character. Use of this field will also include the average item level and average item level equipped for the character.
mounts A list of all of the mounts obtained by the character.
pets A list of the battle pets obtained by the character.
petSlots Data about the current battle pet slots on this characters account.
professions A list of the character's professions. It is important to note that when this information is retrieved, it will also include the known recipes of each of the listed professions.
progression A list of raids and bosses indicating raid progression and completedness.
pvp A map of pvp information including arena team membership and rated battlegrounds information.
quests A list of quests completed by the character.
reputation A list of the factions that the character has an associated reputation with.
stats A map of character attributes and stats.
talents A list of talent structures.
titles A list of the titles obtained by the character including the currently selected title.

An example Character Profile request with several addtional fields.,items,professions,reputation,stats


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


When a guild is requested, a map is returned with key/value pairs that describe a basic set of guild information. Note that the rank of the character is not included in this block as it describes a guild and not a membership of the guild. To retreive the character's rank within the guild, you must specific a seperate request to the guild profile resource.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


When the items field is used, a map structure is returned that contains information on the equipped items of that character as well as the average item level of the character.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


The pet slot contains which slot it is and whether the slot is empty or locked. We also include the battlePetId which is unique for this character and can be used to match a battlePetId in the pets field for this character. The ability list is the list of 3 active abilities on that pet. If the pet is not high enough level than it will always be the first three abilities that the pet has.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Item API

The item API provides data about items and item sets.

Individual Item

The item API provides detailed item information. This includes item set information if this item is part of a set.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/item/" + ItemId
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Item Set

The item set data provides the data for an item set.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/item/set/" + SetId
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Guild Profile API

The guild profile API is the primary way to access guild information. This guild profile API can be used to fetch a single guild at a time through an HTTP GET request to a url describing the guild profile resource. By default, a basic dataset will be returned and with each request and zero or more additional fields can be retrieved. To access this API, craft a resource URL pointing to the guild whos information is to be retrieved.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/guild/" + Realm + "/" + GuildName

Realm = <proper realm name> | <normalized realm name>

There are no required query string parameters when accessing this resource, although the "fields" query string parameter can optionally be passed to indicate that one or more of the optional datasets is to be retrieved. Those additional fields are listed in the subsection titled "Optional Fields".

An example Guild Profile request and response.

GET /api/wow/guild/Medivh/Knights%20of%20the%20Silver%20Hand
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<http headers>
{ "name":"Knights of the Silver Hand", "level":25, "realm":"Bronzebeard", "battlegroup":"Ruin", "side":0, "achievementPoints":800 }

The core dataset returned includes the guild's name, level, faction and achievement points.

Optional Fields

This section contains a list of the optional fields that can be requested.

Field Description
members A list of characters that are a member of the guild
achievements A set of data structures that describe the achievements earned by the guild.
news A set of data structures that describe the news feed of the guild.
challenge The top 3 challenge mode guild run times for each challenge mode map.

An example Guild Profile request with several addtional fields.,members


When the members list is requested, a list of character objects is returned. Each object in the returned members list contains a character block as well as a rank field.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


When requesting achievement data, several sets of data will be returned.

  • achievementsCompleted A list of achievement ids.

  • achievementsCompletedTimestamp A list of timestamps whose places correspond to the achievement ids in the "achievementsCompleted" list. The value of each timestamp indicates when the related achievement was earned by the guild.

  • criteria A list of criteria ids that can be used to determine the partial completedness of guild achievements.

  • criteriaQuantity A list of values associated with a given achievement criteria. The position of a value corresponds to the position of a given achivement criteria.

  • criteriaTimestamp A list of timestamps where the value represents when the criteria was considered complete. The position of a value corresponds to the position of a given achivement criteria.

  • criteriaCreated A list of timestamps where the value represents when the criteria was considered started. The position of a value corresponds to the position of a given achivement criteria.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


When the news feed is requested, you receive a list of news objects. Each one has a type, a timestamp, and then some other data depending on the type: itemId, achievement object, etc.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


The challenge field provides the top three guild run times for each challenge mode map that is available.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>


PVP APIs currently provide leaderboard information for the 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 and Rated Battleground leaderboards.

Leaderboard API

The leaderboard api provides detailed leaderboard information.

Bracket = "2v2" | "3v3" | "5v5" | "rbg"
URL = Host + "/api/wow/leaderboard/" + Bracket
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Quest API

The quest API provides detailed quest information.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/quest/" + QuestId
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Realm Status API

The realm status API allows developers to retrieve realm status information. This information is limited to whether or not the realm is up, the type and state of the realm, the current population, and the status of the two world pvp zones.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/realm/status"

There are no required query string parameters when accessing this resource, although the "realms" query string parameter can optionally be passed to limit the realms returned to one or more.

Pvp Area Status Fields

  • area An internal id of this zone.

  • controlling-faction Which faction is controlling the zone at the moment.

  • status The current status of the zone. The possible values are

    • -1: Unknown
    • 0: Idle
    • 1: Populating
    • 2: Active
    • 3: Concluded
  • next A timestamp of when the next battle starts.

Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Recipe API

The recipe API provides basic recipe information.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/recipe/" + RecipeId
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Spell API

The spell API provides some information about spells.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/spell/" + SpellId
Example URL
Example Data
<script src=""></script>

Data Resources

The data APIs provide information that can compliment profile information to provide structure, definition and context.


The battlegroups data API provides the list of battlegroups for this region. Please note the trailing / on this request url.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/battlegroups/"

Character Races

The character races data API provides a list of character races.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/character/races"

Character Classes

The character classes data API provides a list of character classes.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/character/classes"

Character Achievements

The character achievements data API provides a list of all of the achievements that characters can earn as well as the category structure and hierarchy.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/character/achievements"

Guild Rewards

The guild rewards data API provides a list of all guild rewards.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/guild/rewards"

Guild Perks

The guild perks data API provides a list of all guild perks.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/guild/perks"

Guild Achievements

The guild achievements data API provides a list of all of the achievements that guilds can earn as well as the category structure and hierarchy.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/guild/achievements"

Item Classes

The item classes data API provides a list of item classes.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/item/classes"


The talents data API provides a list of talents, specs and glyphs for each class.

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/talents"

Pet Types

The different bat pet types (including what they are strong and weak against)

URL = Host + "/api/wow/data/pet/types"

Policies and Support


For questions about the API, please use the Community Platform API forums as a platform to ask questions and get help.

You can also email for matters that you may not want public discussion for.

API Policy

With the continued popularity of third-party applications, which are referred to hereafter as "applications" or "web applications", created by the community of players for use with our games, Blizzard Entertainment has created formal guidelines for their design and distribution. These guidelines have been put in place to ensure the integrity of our games and to help promote an enjoyable gaming environment for all of our players.

Thank you for reading these guidelines, and for helping Blizzard Entertainment continue to deliver high-quality gameplay experiences.

Intended Audience

The Third-Party API Usage Policy is for developers developing applications, where applications include distributed and non-distributed products and services that at any point engage Blizzard Entertainment Web API resources. Web API resources include any data that can be accessed through HTTP requests to URLs on the website that begin with "/api".

Example applications include, but are not limited to:

  • Client libraries
  • Desktop applications
  • Services and deamons such as websites and web services
  • Scripts and non-compiled applications and utilities

Blizzard Entertainment reserves the right to change the location and definition of what constitutes an application and Blizzard Entertainment Web API resources at any time.

Service Availability Notice

Blizzard Entertainment makes no guarantee of the availability of any data, functionality, or feature provided by or through the API. In addition, Blizzard Entertainment may at any time revoke access to the API or disable part or all of the API without any warning or notice.

Applications must abide by the following access guidelines.

The following guidelines have been put in place to ensure that all users of an API will be able to access it:

  • Applications may make up to a total of 10,000 unauthenticated requests per day.
  • Applications may make up to a total of 50,000 authenticated requests per day.
  • Applications may not use multiple forms of access, including making any combination of unauthenticated and authenticated requests or using multiple API keys, to make more requests than permitted by the guidelines above. Applications may not use other third-party services to make additional requests on their behalf.
  • Applications may not sell, share, transfer, or distribute application access keys or tokens.

Applications may be classified, solely at Blizzard Entertainment's discretion, to allow fewer or greater numbers of requests per day. Blizzard Entertainment also reserves the right to revoke access to the API completely and without warning.

Applications may not charge premiums for features that use the API.

"Premium" versions of applications offering additional for-pay features are not permitted, nor can players be charged money to download an application, charged for services related to the application, or otherwise be required to offer some form of monetary compensation to download or access an application when those features use the API. Applications may not include interstitials soliciting donations before features or functionality becomes available to the player.

Applications must not negatively impact Blizzard Entertainment games, services, or other players.

Applications must perform no function which, in Blizzard Entertainment's sole discretion, negatively impacts the performance of Blizzard Entertainment games or services, or otherwise negatively affects the game for other players.

Application code must be completely visible.

The programming code of an application must in no way be hidden or obfuscated, and must be freely accessible to and viewable by the general public.

Applications may not imply any association with Blizzard Entertainment.

Applications may not imply any association with, or endorsement by, Blizzard Entertainment.

Applications must not contain offensive or objectionable material.

Blizzard Entertainment requires that applications contain no offensive, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material, as determined by Blizzard's sole discretion. Applications should contain only content appropriate for the ESRB rating for the related game(s). For example, World of Warcraft has been rated "T for Teen" by the ESRB, and has received similar ratings from other ratings boards around the world.

Blizzard trademarks, titles, or tradenames should not be used when naming an application.

Applications may not use names based on Blizzard's trademarks or taken from Blizzard's products as the name, or part of the name, of the application.

License for Use

Applications that use Blizzard Entertainment intellectual property, such as Blizzard Web API resources, require a license for that use. Blizzard Entertainment may at its sole discretion request that any application that uses its intellectual property be removed and no longer distributed.

Policy Compliance Notice

Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining the integrity of our games and services and to providing safe, fair, and fun gaming environment for all of our players. As such, failure to abide by the guidelines in this policy may result in measures up to and including legal action, when necessary.

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Documentation for the World of Warcraft web APIs.