canhanhan / terraform-provisioner-salt-highstate

Terraform provisioner to wait for a minion to become online and execute highstate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


salt-highstate is a Terraform 0.12 provisioner that waits for a minion to connect to the master and applies highstate then reports whether it completed successfully.

The intended use-case is to integrate Terraform and SaltStack:

  1. Create minion keys on master using terraform-provider-salt

  2. Configure and initialize Salt Minion using cloud-init.

  3. Add salt-highstate provisioner to your manifests.

  4. Terraform will create the machines, execute the provisioner and will only complete when the highstate is successfully applied.

terraform-provisioner-salt-highstate requires Go version 1.13 or greater.



  1. Download the binary for your platform to Terraform plugins path.

    • Windows: %AppData%\terraform.d\plugins
    • Linux: ~/.terraform.d/plugins
  2. Configure CherryPy NetAPI module on SaltStack master. See setup section of Saltstack documentation for instructions.

  3. Add the provisioner to one of your resources. See the example manifest


Name Type Required Remarks
address String Required URL to the CherryPy NetAPI endpoint (e.g.: https://saltmaster:8000)
password String Required Password
backend String Required External authentincation backend (eauth) (e.g.: pam)
minion_id String Required Minion ID
skip_verify Bool Optional Skip TLS/SSL verifications (Default: false)
timeout_minutes Int Optional No of minutes to wait for minion to become available (Default: 30 mins)
interval_secs Int Optional Interval in seconds to poll minion status from master (Default: 10 secs)


resource "null_resource" "test" {
    triggers = {
        hostname = "minion${count.index+1}"

    provisioner "salt-highstate" {
        address = "https://salt-master:8000"
        username = "test"
        password = "test"
        backend = "pam"
        minion_id = self.triggers.hostname

    count = 2


Terraform provisioner to wait for a minion to become online and execute highstate

License:MIT License


Language:Go 97.2%Language:HCL 2.8%