The Clean Architecture include 4 main layer: App, Data, Domain, Entity. Aside from these layers, it has some layer additional which is utilities layers.
- Android Appliaction
- View(Activity, Fragment, Service...)
- ViewModel
- Mapper
- Android Libs * 3nd Libs
- API remote
- Database local: Room, Realm...
- Shared Preference
- Internal/External Storage
- Repository Implementation
- Mapper
- Kotlin
- Business logic
- Repository Interface
- Kotlin
- Model
view more component at
how to use theme, style
run test coverage: ./gradlew clean testDevDebugUnitTestCoverage
view jacoco report at: app/build/reports/jacoco/testDevDebugUnitTestCoverage/html/index.html
view more at file
./gradlew ktlintCheck
./gradlew ktlintFormat