candyshirin / Openai_Code_Converter

This repo contains all the instructions to create your own Code Converter using OpenAI API we can convert any type of programming language to another.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


#1. File Structure:

  • Make sure you have the following files in your project directory:
    • This file contains the main code for your Flask web application.
    • templates/index.html: This file is an HTML template that defines the structure of your website.
    • static/styles.css: This file contains CSS styles to customize the appearance of your website.

#2. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended):

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Navigate to your project directory.
  • Run the following command to create a new virtual environment:
    • For Windows: python -m venv myenv
    • For macOS/Linux: python3 -m venv myenv
    • This will create a new directory named myenv that contains the virtual environment files.
  • Activate the virtual environment:
    • For Windows: myenv\Scripts\activate
    • For macOS/Linux: source myenv/bin/activate
    • You will see (myenv) added to the beginning of your command prompt, indicating that the virtual environment is active.

#3. Dependencies:

  • Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed. You can use pip to install them:
    • Flask: pip install flask
    • OpenAI: pip install openai

#4. Open

  • This file sets up your Flask web application and defines the route handlers.
  • It imports necessary modules: os, openai, and Flask from flask.
  • The openai.api_key variable should be updated with your OpenAI API key.

#5. Understanding convert_code function:

  • This function takes three parameters: initial_language, convert_language, and code.
  • It constructs a prompt string using the provided parameters.
  • It makes a request to the OpenAI API to convert the code from the initial_language to the convert_language.
  • The converted code is returned as a string.

#6. Route Handling in

  • The / route is defined by the index function.
  • When a GET request is made, the function renders the index.html template.
  • When a POST request is made (after submitting the form), the function retrieves the form data, calls the convert_code function, and renders the index.html template with the converted code.

#7. Understanding index.html:

  • This file is an HTML template that defines the structure of your website.
  • It includes the necessary HTML tags, such as <head>, <body>, and various form elements.
  • The {{ code }} and {{ converted_code }} placeholders are used to display the code input and converted code, respectively.
  • The CSS file is linked using the <link> tag.

#8. Understanding styles.css:

  • This file contains CSS styles to customize the appearance of your website.
  • The provided CSS code adds styling to the elements in the HTML template.
  • You can modify the styles to match your desired design.

#9. Running the Application:

  • Make sure your virtual environment is activated (if you created one).
  • Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  • Install the required packages using the requirements.txt file:
    • Run the command: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • This command will read the requirements.txt file and install all the listed packages and their specified versions.
    • Make sure you have pip installed and it is associated with the correct Python interpreter (such as the one in your virtual environment).
  • Once the packages are installed, you can run the command: python or python3 to start the Flask application.
  • The application will start running on a local server, and you can access it by opening a web browser and entering the URL http://localhost:5000.#


This repo contains all the instructions to create your own Code Converter using OpenAI API we can convert any type of programming language to another.


Language:CSS 40.7%Language:HTML 34.6%Language:Python 24.7%