cancerit / ppcg-qc-from-sanger

The tools is used to extract PPCG defined QC metrics from Sanger variant calling pipeline results.

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ppcg-qc-from-sanger is used to extract PPCG defined QC metrics from Sanger Variant Calling pipeline results.


-tb/--tumour_bas: Tumour sample BAS file(s), -nb/--normal_bas: Normal sample BAS file(s)

A BAS file is one of the outputs of Sanger mapping pileline (cgpmap), which contains metrics collected during mapping and it has .bas suffix.

The option can take files and directories as input. The option needs to be repeated for each entry if there're multiple entries. When input is a directory, only files with '.bam.bas' extension at the directory root will be taken. Subfolders are ignored.

-rt/--variant_call_tar: Vaiant calling result tar file(s)

The result tar file of Sanger Variant Calling pipeline (cgpwgs Version 1.1.2), and/or directories containing those files. Again, only a directory root is searched. If a tar.gz file is found in input and it's not a valid Sanger Variant Calling pipeline output, the tool will exit non-zero.

The option needs to be repeated for each entry if there're multiple entries.

ppcg-qc-from-sanger uses valid tar files to figure out which samples' BAS files are required.

-o/--output_tar: Output tar file

The output file. It has to have a .tar.gz extension. If it exists when the ppcg-qc-from-sanger starts to run, it'll exit non-zero.

-mt/--metadata: Metadata file(s) (optional)

Ideally this will be the tsv files generated by of cgpNgsQc when validating BAM's metadata, with two extra columns: Sequencer and Sequencing year, but you can also generate this file yourself.

In order to have a full output, your meta files should have the following columns: Donor ID, Donor UUID, Sample ID, Sample UUID, Sequencer and Sequencing Year. Either Sample ID or Sample UUID should match the sample name in its BAM file header, as ppcg-qc-from-sanger will search samples names extracted from BAS files (e.g. sample name in a BAM file header) in the two colums to map samples' metadata to their QC metrics. ppcg-qc-from-sanger will populate 'NA's in the columns if their coresponding metadata is not found.

The option can also take directories as input, in which case all .tsv files at the directories' root will be taken as metadata. However if same Sample_ID or Sample_UUID is found more than once in the files, ppcg-qc-from-sanger will exit non-zero. The option needs to be repeated for each entry if there're multiple entries.

-cv/--count_variants: Count variants (optional)

This flag is default to false. If specified, ppcg-qc-from-sanger will also count number of variants called by Sanger Variant Calling pipeline.

-gs/--genome_size: Genome size (optional)

It's required for calculating sequencing depth. Default to the sum of length of GRCh37 chromosomes.


Output of ppcg-qc-from-sanger is a tar file containing the following files:


A tsv file containing the following columns:

  1. Tumour sample name: Tumour sample name found in the BAM file header.
  2. Tumour sample ID: Sample_ID in the metadata, if provided.
  3. Tumour sample UUID: Sample_UUID in the metadata, if provided.
  4. Tumour sequencing year: Sequencing_Year in the metadata, if provided.
  5. Tumour sequencer: The sequencer on which the sample was sequenced, if provided in the metadata input in a column named Sequencer.
  6. Tumour ReadGroup IDs: ReadGroup (RG) ID found in the sample BAM.
  7. Tumour depth per RG: Total mapped bases (number of mapped reads * read length) divided by the genome size per RG.
  8. Tumour total depth: Total depth.
  9. Tumour fraction of mapped reads per RG: Number of mapped reads divided by the number of total reads per RG.
  10. Tumour median fraction of mapped reads: Median fraction of mapped reads for the sample.
  11. Tumour insert size per RG: Mean insert size per RG.
  12. Tumour median Insert size: Median of mean insert size.
  13. Tumour insert size sd per RG: Insert size standard deviation per RG.
  14. Tumour median insert size sd: Median of the insert size standard deviations.
  15. Tumour r1 GC content per RG: GC base content of all read 1 in read pairs per RG.
  16. Tumour median r1 GC content: Median r1 GC base content for the sample.
  17. Tumour r2 GC content per RG: GC base content of all read 2 in read pairs per RG.
  18. Tumour median r2 GC content: Median r2 GC base content for the sample.
  19. Tumour fraction of duplicated reads per RG: Number of duplicated reads divided by the number of total reads per RG.
  20. Tumour median fraction of duplicated reads: Median fraction of duplicated reads for the sample.
  21. Tumour fraction of mis-matched pairs per RG: 1 minus the fraction of mapped pairs in total read pairs per RG.
  22. Tumour median fraction of mis-matched pairs: Median mismatch fraction.
  23. Tumour contamination per RG: Cross individual contamination per RG.
  24. Tumour median contamination: Median cross individual contamination for the sample.
  25. Tumour sex: Deduced sex from genotypes of 4 SNPs on sex chromosomes.
  26. Tumour fraction of matched sex with Normal: Fraction of the 4 SNPs on sex chromosomes that have matched genotypes in the normal sample.
  27. Tumour fraction of matched genotype with Normal: Fraction of 92 autosome SNPs that have matched genotypes in the normal sample
  28. Normal contamination in Tumour: Estimate of fraction of normal cells contaminating the tumour sample.
  29. Normal sample name:
  30. Normal sample ID:
  31. Normal sample UUID:
  32. Normal sequencing year:
  33. Normal sequencer:
  34. Normal ReadGroup IDs:
  35. Normal depth per RG:
  36. Normal total depth:
  37. Normal fraction of mapped reads per RG:
  38. Normal median fraction of mapped reads:
  39. Normal insert size per RG:
  40. Normal median Insert size:
  41. Normal insert size sd per RG:
  42. Normal median insert size sd:
  43. Normal r1 GC content per RG:
  44. Normal median r1 GC content:
  45. Normal r2 GC content per RG:
  46. Normal median r2 GC content:
  47. Normal fraction of duplicated reads per RG:
  48. Normal median fraction of duplicated reads:
  49. Normal fraction of mis-matched pairs per RG:
  50. Normal median fraction of mis-matched pairs:
  51. Normal contamination per RG:
  52. Normal median contamination:
  53. Donor ID: Donor_ID in the metadata, if provided.
  54. Donor UUID: Donor_UUID in the metadata, if provided.

Additional columns if uses --count_variants flag:

  1. Number of SNVs (tumour only): the number of 'PASS'ed variants in the CAVEMAN flagged VCF output / all variants in the file
  2. SNVs per Chr (chromosome:[PASS, ALL]) (tumour only): JSON format string: keys are chromosome names, values are lists consisting of the number of 'PASS'ed SNVs and the number of all SNVs.
  3. Number of INDELs (tumour only): the number of 'PASS'ed variants in the PINDEL flagged VCF output / all variants in the file
  4. INDELs per Chr (chromosome:[PASS, ALL]) (tumour only): JSON format string: keys are chromosome names, values are lists consisting of the number of 'PASS'ed INDELs and the number of all INDELs.
  5. Number of SVs (tumour only): the number of variants with 'BAS' info tag in the BRASS VCF output, devided by 2 / all variants in the file devided by 2 (in the VCF, one SV is recorded with two rows)
  6. SVs per Chr (chromosome:[PASS, ALL]) (tumour only): JSON format string: keys are chromosome names, values are lists consisting of the number of variants with 'BAS' info tag in the BRASS VCF output, devided by 2 and all variants in the file devided by 2.
  7. Number of CNVs (tumour only): number of variants which have different copy numbers between Normal and Tumour sample in the ASCAT VCF output

.tsv genotyping files

Four files containing the genotyping information of the two samples (the tumour and the normal):

  • {tumour_sample}.full_gender.tsv and {normal_sample}.full_gender.tsv

    Genotypes of 4 SNPs on sex chromosomes.

  • {tumour_sample}.full_genotype.tsv and {normal_sample}.full_genotype.tsv

    Genotypes of 92 SNPs on autosomes.


Installation is via pip. Simply execute with the path to the packaged distribution:

pip install

Development environment

Setup VirtualEnv

hash virtualenv || pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop # so bin scripts can find module

## If changed requirements please run:
pip freeze | grep -v `echo ${PWD##*/}` > requirements.txt

For testing/coverage (./

source env/bin/activate # if not already in env
pip install pytest
pip install pytest-cov
pip install pep8
pip install radon
gem install --user-install mdl
pip install requests_mock

Test that mdl is available, if not add the following to your path variable:

export PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/X.X.X/bin:$PATH


Copyright (c) 2018 Genome Research Ltd.

Author: CancerIT

This file is part of ppcg-qc-from-sanger.

ppcg-qc-from-sanger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


The tools is used to extract PPCG defined QC metrics from Sanger variant calling pipeline results.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 86.3%Language:Visual Basic 7.1%Language:Common Workflow Language 3.2%Language:Dockerfile 1.7%Language:Shell 1.7%