canburaks / react-components

Personal reusable react components archive

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

personal react components archive

Note: this is not suitable for produciton.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save cbs-react-components
yarn add cbs-react-components

Youtube Player

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import YoutubePlayer from 'cbs-react-components'

class Example extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
      <YoutubePlayer  videos={videos} 
        listbox={false} //default listbox toggle

const videos = [
        "id": 27623,
        "title": "Writer/Drirector Pawel Pawlikowski talks about the framing of IDA",
        "summary": null,
        "link": "",
        "youtubeId": "25sV5zhdn1A",
        "duration": null,
        "id": 27622,
        "title": "Ida - Official Trailer",
        "summary": null,
        "link": "",
        "youtubeId": "i_vrlpWB4Vo",
        "duration": null,


A Simple Modal.

import { Modal, useModal } from 'cbs-react-components'

const App = () => {
	const { isOpen, toggle } = useModal();
		return (
					<div style={{width:200, height:300}}>modal content</div>


A Simple Responsive Navbar.

import { NavBar, NavLink } from 'cbs-react-components'

const MyNav = (props) => {
	return (
        <NavBar fixed>
            <NavLink  brand>
                <a href="/home/">Brand Name</a> 
            <NavLink className="your-class-name">
                <a href="/link1">link1</a> 
            <NavLink search>
                <div class="search-container">
                        <input type="text" placeholder="Search.." name="search" />
                        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
            <NavLink right>
                <a href="/right-link1">right-link1</a> 
            <NavLink right onClick={() => alert("asd")}>
                <button href="/right-button">right-link1</button> 

Progress Bar

import { ProgressBar } from 'cbs-react-components'

    value={65}                          //required
    max={100}                           //default 100
    height={30}                         //default 30(px)
    fontSize={16}                       //default 16(px)
    borderRadius={4}                    //default 4(px)
    backgroundColor={"white"}           //default white
    progressColor={"#4CAF50"}           //default #4CAF50
    textColor={"white"}                 //default white
    percent                             //options-> percent,onlyvalue nolabel 
    spectrum={{ start: 0, stop: 120, tranparency: 1 }} //default none

const Example = (props) =>{
        <div style={{ height: "100%", display: "block", backgroundColor: "grey" }}>
                value={65}                //required
                max={100}                 //default 100
                height={30}               //default 30(px)
                fontSize={16}             //default 16(px)
                borderRadius={4}          //default 4(px)
                backgroundColor={"white"} //default white
                progressColor={"#4CAF50"} //default #4CAF50
                textColor={"white"}       //default white
                percent                   //options-> percent,onlyvalue nolabel 
import { CircularProgress } from 'cbs-react-components'

    value={65}                           //required
    max={80}                             //default 100
    size={60}                            //default 80
    strokeWidth={6}                      //default 6
    stroke={"rgb(69, 72, 233)"}          //defaul rgb(69, 72, 233) 	
    baseStroke={"rgb(40, 40, 40)"}       //default none
    fill={"rgb(240, 240, 240)"}          //default rgb(42, 40, 40);
    textColor={"#232526"}                //default rgb(20,20,20)
    fontSize={18}                        //default size/5 (if fontSize > size/4 than fontSize=size/5)
    fontWeight={600}                     //default 600
    percent                              //options-> percent,onlyvalue nolabel 
    title={`You made great progress !!!`}
    spectrum={{ start: 0, stop: 120, tranparency: 1 }} //default none

const Example = (props) =>{
        <div style={{ height: "100%", display: "block", backgroundColor: "grey" }}>
                stroke={"rgb(142, 241, 125)"} 			
                baseStroke={"rgb(40, 40, 40)"}	   
                fill={"rgb(40, 40, 40)"} 		   
                textColor={"rgb(211, 204, 227)"}    
	NOTES;(for ProgressBar and CircleProgress): 
        - Choose only one of percent, onlyvalue or nolabel.
        - Spectrum is hsla color values: given range of hue values stroke color will fall between the range.
            E.g; spectrum={{start:0, stop:180, transparency=0.8}} and value={40} max={80} 
            will take ((40/80)*(180-0))=90 hue value and color will be hsla(90, 100%, 50%, 1).
            default transparency value is 1.

Collapsible Text Container

import { TextCollapse } from 'cbs-react-components'

const TextContainer = () =>{
        size={300}                //default 400
        className="my-classname"  //className for text element p
        toggleOpenLabel={"MORE"}  //default "MORE"
        toggleCloseLabel={"LESS"} //default "LESS"
        The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film written and directed by the Wachowskis that 
        stars Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Joe Pantoliano.
        It depicts a dystopian future in which humanity is unknowingly trapped inside a simulated reality, 
        the Matrix, created by thought-capable machines (artificial beings) to distract humans while 
        using their bodies as an energy source.When computer programmer Thomas Anderson, under the hacker alias
        "Neo", uncovers this truth, he "is drawn into a rebellion against the machines"
        along with other people who have been freed from the Matrix.
        The Matrix is an example of the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction.
        The Wachowskis' approach to action scenes was influenced by Japanese animation and martial arts films,
        and the film's use of fight choreographers and wire fu techniques from Hong Kong action cinema influenced 
        subsequent Hollywood action film productions.The film is known for popularizing a visual effect known as 
        "bullet time", where the heightened perception of certain characters is represented by allowing the action
        within a shot to progress in slow-motion while the camera appears to move through the scene at normal speed,
        allowing the sped-up movements of certain characters to be perceived normally. 
        While some critics have praised the film for its handling of difficult subjects,
        others have said the deeper themes are largely overshadowed by its action scenes.
        The Matrix was first released in the United States on March 31, 1999,
        and grossed over $460 million worldwide.

for css customization corresponding classNames:
    - wrapper container: collapsible-box
    - text element:      collapsible-text
    - toggle element:    collapsible-toggle
        -toggle element when the text in short/cropped form: collapsible-toggle.close
        -toggle element when the all text is showed:


Simple Tooltip example.

import { Tooltip } from 'cbs-react-components'

const Tip = (props) =>{
            text={"This will be displayed on hover" }
            side={"bottom"} // options: top, left, bottom, right

Transparent Text

Transparent Text Example

import { TransparentText } from 'cbs-react-components'

const Banner = (props) =>{
            backgroundColor={"linear-gradient(90deg, #440154, #482475, #414487, #355f8d," + 
                " #2a788e, #21908d, #22a884, #42be71, #7ad151, #bddf26, #bddf26)"

Hoverable Sidebar Buttons

This is an enhanced example of w3schools Hoverable Sidenav Buttons example.

import React from "react";
import { SideButton, SideButton } from 'cbs-react-components'

const SideNav = (props) =>{
        <SideNavButtons  >
            <SideButton before={<p>?:</p>}>Lists</SideButton>
            <SideButton styles={{backgroundColor:"red"}}> Directors</SideButton>
            <SideButton className="my-classname">Movies</SideButton>


This is an enhanced example of w3schools Autocomplete example.

import React from "react";
import { SearchBox } from 'cbs-react-components'

----  EXAMPLE 1 - (Remote data) --------
For remote data we need pass query function that will get input from inside of SearchBox
const MySearchBox1 = (props) =>{
        item={{image:"poster", text:"name" }}
        placeholder={"Movies..."} // default 'Search'
        onClick={(value) => console.log("'onClick function ->", value)}
        onSubmit={values => console.log("onSubmit ->", values)}
----  EXAMPLE 2 (local data)--------
const MySearchBox2 = (props) =>{
          placeholder={"Countries..."} // default 'Search'
          onClick={(value) => console.log("onClick function ->", value)}
          onSubmit={values => console.log("onSubmit ->", values)}
- item prop: if your query result is an array of objects, tell which properties will show in image source      and text. Given example; In autocomplete list item look image source in poster property of movie result,
  and text in name propert of movie result.

- onClick prop: What will do when clicked to autocomplete list item. In example 
  clicked item will print ---> 'onClick function -> { name: "Space Odyssey", id: 924, poster:2001.jpg"}'

- data prop; If local data will provide use this. No need query function.

- onSubmit prop: on form submit case. For example if we search "al" and then press enter
  it will print --> 'onSubmit -> ["Albania", "Algeria", "Australia"]'
function myQuery(input) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            const queryResults = movies.filter(movie =>;
        }, 300)

var countries = ["Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antigua & Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Aruba", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia & Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Brazil", "British Virgin Islands", "Brunei", "Bulgaria", "Burkina Faso", "Burundi", "Cambodia"];

var movies = [
    { name: "Space Odyssey", id: 924, poster: "2001.jpg"},
    { name: "Amarcord", id: 7089, poster: "amarcord.jpg"}


MIT © Can Burak S.


Personal reusable react components archive


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