canaxess / accessibility-acceptance-criteria

AACs are broad accessibility criteria applied when user stories are created. Instead of developer-focused, they’re BA-focused. And describe key behaviours the finished feature needs to display.

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Accessibility Acceptance Criteria (AAC)

AACs are broad accessibility criteria applied when user stories are created. Instead of developer-focused, they’re BA-focused. And describe key behaviours the finished feature needs to display – an outcome, but they don’t go so far as in specifying how to do it.

Instead, they act as guard rails allowing a developer to implement the feature in any possible way, if the outcome is met.

They define the boundaries of a user story and are used to confirm when a story is complete and working as intended. They're written in plain language and easily understood by members of a team who have different expertise and varying levels of fluency in each other’s technical jargon.

Read the blog post: How Australian supermarket Coles creates accessible user stories


AACs are broad accessibility criteria applied when user stories are created. Instead of developer-focused, they’re BA-focused. And describe key behaviours the finished feature needs to display.