camilleg / unblock

Remove 8x8-pixel artifacts from JPEGs.

Repository from Github https://github.comcamilleg/unblockRepository from Github https://github.comcamilleg/unblock


Remove 8x8-pixel "blocky" artifacts from a heavily compressed JPEG image.

How to build on Ubuntu 18 through 22

sudo apt install g++ libpng-dev make


This also works on Windows 10 or 11, within WSL.

How to run

./unblock in.bmp out.bmp

./unblock in.png out.png

How to test

make test

Software used

This is a wrapper around an algorithm by John Costella. His webpage includes before-and-after pictures showing the algorithm's effectiveness.

Instead of porting John's C# source code to C/C++, I built on Alexander Balakhnin's C port, in the context of a plugin for AviSynth, based on John's own 2007 C port of "the Costella libraries."

Files in .bmp format are read and written by EasyBMP, files in .png format by libpng. Why not .jpg for a JPEG utility? Because my source images are still frames from mjpeg-format video. Extracting frames in a lossless format avoids the further degradation that happens with ffmpeg -i in.avi -vcodec jpg ....

The journal article Stitched Panoramas from Low-Cost Airborne Video Cameras demonstrates an application of this software. The article is summarized in the MIT Technology Review.


An image whose width is not a multiple of 16 pixels may misbehave.


Remove 8x8-pixel artifacts from JPEGs.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C 81.6%Language:C++ 17.9%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.1%