cameronyule / littleshopofhorrors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a Rails 5 application that implements a basic RESTful JSON api for an ecommerce service.

While I'd typically have considered something like Sinatra or Express for creating this type of API, I was curious to try the new api mode added to Rails in version 5. This disables significant portions of the default Rails frameworks to reduce the surface of your application, while still providing features that more minimal alternatives may not.

The API is stateless, which should help with any future scaling, and quite small in terms of the number of methods available. For a full list of API methods, run the bin/rails routes command, or see the Examples section later in this doc.


As per the brief this application doesn't include any security considerations, but here is what I'd plan to address in a future iteration:

  • Authentication. A login mechanism would be implemented to allow us to ask a Shopper to verify their credentials, in return for which they would be given a time-limited token such as JSON Web Tokens. This token would then be supplied along with any API requests to protected methods made on behalf of that Shopper, and would be validated before the API would respond.

  • Authorisation. As well as authorisation, the application would have the concept of authorisation. For example, a regular Shopper should not be able to manipulate product data regardless of whether they're authenticated.

  • CORS. All of my API test calls have originated from the same host as the API, but in the real world we'd need to permit access from external hosts. Typically we would look to expose as little as possible to as few hosts as possible.

  • SSL and HTTP Security Headers. Serving the API over SSL should be a requirement for the production environment, and the various HTTP Security headers should also be properly configured.

  • Input validation. Ensure all user inputs are appropriately filtered or sanitised, and consider fuzz testing the inputs to look for unexpected behaviour in response to unexpected inputs.

  • API Throttling and Blocking. When exposing an API on a public network, it's typically advisable to have an automated mechanism for throttling - limiting the number of requests a particular client can make in a period of time - and blocking.

  • Database. We're currently using MongoDB in it's default state, but would configure authentication and access control settings at a minimum.

  • Encryption at rest. Depending on the data being stored, it may be a requirement to ensure that it's encrypted at rest.



RAILS_ENV=development docker-compose build
RAILS_ENV=development docker-compose run app bin/rails db:seed
RAILS_ENV=development docker-compose up -d

The app should now be visible on your host at


  1. Install MongoDB on your system and amend config/mongoid.yml to match the connection details of your install (particularly hostname, which is currently set for Docker).

  2. Install Ruby 2.3.0 or later on your system.

  3. Install Bundler via Rubygems: gem install bundler

  4. Run bundle install to install the application's dependencies.


Running the tests

Tests are written with the Minitest framework that ships with Rails.

bin/rails t

Seed the database

Before running the API and making requests, you can automatically seed the database with some products by running the following command.

bin/rails db:seed

Starting the webserver

This will default to development mode and bind to, after which you can interact with the API from the command line with curl or with an app like Postman.

bin/rails s


Retrieve all Products (GET)

    "id": "581f75fa79b46b17396f99c5",
    "name": "Ardbeg Uigeadail",
    "description": "Uigeadail derives from the Scotch Gaelic for 'Dark and Mysterious Place' and is named for the Loch from whence Ardbeg draws its waters. Jim Murray's 2009 World Whisky of the Year, this cask-strength bottle exudes breathtaking balance.",
    "price": 5295,
    "display_price": "£52.95"

Create a Shopper (POST)

curl -d "name=cameron&"
  "id": "581f793779b46b1823995016",
  "name": "Test User",
  "email": "",
  "basket": {
    "id": "581f793779b46b1823995017",
    "items": []

Update a Shopper (PUT)

curl -X PUT -d "name=Mr Test User"
  "id": "581f793779b46b1823995016",
  "name": "Mr Test User",
  "email": "",
  "basket": {
    "id": "581f793779b46b1823995017",
    "items": []

Get Basket contents (GET)

  "id": "581f793779b46b1823995017",
  "items": []

Update Basket (PUT)

curl -X PUT -d "product_ids[]=581f75fa79b46b17396f99c5" \
  "id": "581f793779b46b1823995017",
  "items": [
      "_id": "581f7a1d79b46b1823995018",
      "product_id": "581f75fa79b46b17396f99c5"

Empty Basket (DELETE)

curl -X DELETE

Checkout (POST)

curl -d ""
  "id": "581f7a8a79b46b182399501a",
  "total": 5295,
  "line_items": [
      "id": "581f7a8a79b46b182399501b",
      "quantity": 1



Language:Ruby 100.0%