cameronpriest / rightnow_oms

rightnow_oms is an order management module, showing how to develop a rails mountable engine with ember and ember-data.

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A common gem for managing your carts and orders. RightnowOms is a rails mountable engine. It gets a lot of benifits from Ember.JS


Add the following gems to your Gemfile:

  gem 'jquery-rails'
  gem 'ember-rails'
  gem 'acts_as_api'
  gem 'haml-rails'
  gem 'confstruct'

  group :assets do
    gem 'uglifier'
    gem 'coffee-rails'
    gem 'sass-rails'


Make sure that all requirements are met and add RightnowOms to your Gemfile.

  gem 'rightnow_oms'

and run bundle install


Mount RightnowOms to your application.

  # config/routes.rb
  mount RightnowOms::Engine => "rightnow_oms"

Create the migrations with:

  rake rightnow_oms:install:migrations
  rake db:migrate

Run bundle install and require ember and ember-data in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

  = require rightnow_oms/vendor/ember-0.9.5
  = require rightnow_oms/vendor/ember-data

Add the following line to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

  = require rightnow_oms/application

Add the stylesheets to your app/assets/stylesheets/application.css:

  = require rightnow_oms/application

Create a layout for your detailed cart view like:

  # app/views/layouts/rightnow_oms/cart.html.haml
      %title RightnowOms
      = stylesheet_link_tag    "application"
      = javascript_include_tag "application"
      = csrf_meta_tags

      = yield

You need to configure your new order url in RightnowOms:

  # config/initializers/rightnow_oms.rb
  RightnowOms.configure do
    new_order_url '/orders/new'

Add before filters to your controllers which need to use the cart:

  # This before filter will create an instance variable @cart
  before_filter :load_or_create_cart

Create cartable models in your application:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

By default, Cart loads the name and price of cartable models by attributes named name and price. You can customize these attributes:

  acts_as_cartable { name: :your_name_attr, price: :your_price_attr }

Add a place holder for your cart in your views:

  <div id="rightnow-oms">
    <script type="text/x-handlebars">
      {{ view RightnowOms.ShowCartView }}

and load your cart in the view:

  $(function() {

You can add cartables to the cart by:

    cartable_id: 1,             // required
    cartable_type: 'Product',   // required
    price: '10.00',             // required

    // optional, indicating this is a child node of another one
    parent_id: 2,

    // optional, grouping cart items
    group: 'booking'
  }, function(cartItem) {
    // Do something after the cart item is created

Strategy to sync data with remote

By default, RightnowOms sync the data immediately when you change the data objects in the store. But by setting autoCommit to false, you can change the default behavior.

  RightnowOms.config.set('autoCommit', false)

If you turn off auto-commit, you need to sync the data explicitly. When you have created, updated and deleted any data object in the client side, you ought to commit these changes by yourself.


Now you have all things done. Wish you have a good day.


RightnowOms is developed with Ruby 1.9.3-p0 and Rails 3.1.3

First of all, you need to create a database config for RightnowOms. There are already some useful templates for you under spec/dummy/config/. RightnowOms use PostgreSQL by default. If you want to setup other databases, for example mysql, you need to modify the Gemfile by yourself.

  bundle install
  bundle exec rake app:db:migrate
  bundle exec rake app:db:seed

  # Run the tests. Please make sure you have firefox installed
  bundle exec rake app:db:test:prepare

  # Start the dummy application
  rails s


Copyright 2011-2012 Beijing Menglifang Network Technology and Science Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.


rightnow_oms is an order management module, showing how to develop a rails mountable engine with ember and ember-data.