calvinchankf / JSConcepts

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FrontEnd Concepts

My progress to master FrontEnd interviews. Gonna learn and update the repo until I am good at it.

This repo is on , thanks Github Pages


  1. What happens when you click a link on a webpage
  2. How Browsers Render a Website
  3. What is DOM?
  4. Cookies & Sessions
  5. Cookies vs LocalStorage vs SessionStorage
  6. What is OAuth?
  7. What is HTML Event Capturing vs Event Bubbling (Delegation)
  8. Common DOM Properties and Methods
  9. Scroll Event
  10. Check User Activity On a Page
  11. Cookies Security
  12. Javascript Security

JS Knowledge

  1. Memory Management
  2. Event Loop
  3. Self-invoking/Immediate function
  4. Closure
  5. What is 'this'
  6. Class vs Prototype
  7. Prototype & Prototype Chain
  8. Apply vs Call vs Bind
  9. Hoist
  10. Coercion and == vs ===
  11. AMD, CommonJS, ES2015+
  12. Child Process
  13. Cluster
  14. Singleton
  15. Middleware
  16. const, let, var
  17. Callback vs Promise vs Generator vs Async/wait
  18. Currying
  19. Mixins
  20. React


  1. What is Box Model
  2. What is Flex Box
  3. CSS Priority/Speciicity

How to implement

  1. Array Map
  2. Array Reduce
  3. Array Filter
  4. Array Flatten
  5. Array ForEach
  6. Objects Merge
  7. Implement Event Emitter
  8. LRU
  9. LFU
  10. PubSub
  11. PubSub vs Observer
  12. Heap
  13. Binary Indexed Tree
  14. Min Queue
  15. Sleep
  16. Promise
  17. Fetch
  18. Observable
  19. Debouncing vs Throttling
  20. Clear All Timeouts
  21. Infinite Scroll
  22. Virtual Dom
  23. Fetch Timeout with Retry
  24. Server-Sent Events
  25. Promise.pool
  26. Promisify

Vanilla Widgets Implementation

  1. Accordion
  2. Carousel
  3. Instagram Create Poll
  4. Game of Life
  5. Multiselect Tableview
  6. Debounced Searchbar
  7. Images at Corners
  8. CSV Viewer
  9. Crypto Prices with Glitch mock
  10. Draggable Boz
  11. Snake Game
  12. 2048
  13. Simple Sudoku
  14. DOM Renderer
  15. Analog Clock
  16. Tic Tac toe

React Widgets Implementation

  1. Credit Card Component
  2. Question List
  3. Tip Calculator
  4. Recent Trades
  5. Debounced Search
  6. Debounced Pokemon Search
  7. Game of Life
  8. Crypto Prices with Glitch mock
  9. React Suspense Playground
  10. TODO List
  11. Context Counter
  12. useDebouncing vs useThrottling hooks
  13. useFetch hook
  14. Random Users
  15. Books Paginated Search

Angular Widgets Implementation

  1. Temperature Converter

Common Algorithms of DOM Elements

  1. Lowest Common Ancestor
  2. Print DOM Hierarchy
  3. Find DOM Node in Another Tree with similar Hierarchy
  4. DOM Store
  5. Implement fibanacci using closure
  6. Implement fibanacci using closure
  7. Move an element using js
  8. Mirror the architecture of a DOM tree




Language:JavaScript 59.4%Language:HTML 25.5%Language:CSS 14.1%Language:TypeScript 1.1%