calluswhatyouwant / musicritic

Your personal music-specific Metacritic.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Musicritic wants to become your personal music-specific Metacritic. You'll be able to rate the music you listen to, read other people's opinions and help create a healthy community of music lovers!

Table of Contents


Musicritic has still got a long way to go, but here are some things you can already do!

  • Connect yourself to Spotify (required to make use of the rest of the features!);
  • Check your recently listened to tracks and recent top tracks;
  • Look up albums, tracks, artists, and playlists;
  • See more information on tracks and albums in specific pages.


So you want to help us? How kind of you! Just know you can contribute in many ways. Please, note that we have a Code of Conduct, which we expect to be strictly respected.

Running locally

Before getting to run Musicritic itself, you'll need to install some tools and set up some environment variables, as shown in the next sections, but it's very simple to configure, and you will just need to do it once, so don't let these additional steps scare you out!


  1. Make sure you have Node.js 12 or later installed. If not, you can check here how to install it.
  2. In order to run and manage dependencies, you will need to have installed Yarn. You can check here how to do it.
  3. We will also need that you have the JDK 1.8 or later installed. This step is needed because we run firebase emulators to make development easier. You can go here in order to install it.
  4. And last but not least, you will need to have installed the Firebase CLI. Check here how to install it.

Configure Spotify

Create a new file named .env on the root directory of the project with the same content as the .env.example file also located on the root of the project. You're going to fill this file with information to link Spotify with Musicritic. Check below how to do it.

Spotify and environment variables

Access Spotify Developer with your Spotify Account and follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Client ID in Dashboard
  2. Fill the information that Spotify asks
  3. After created, put the Client ID and Client Secret ID in the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET fields on the .env file.
  4. Go to Edit Settings at your Spotify Client ID
  5. Set the Redirect URLs to http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/spotify

You don't need to change any other environment variables on .env file. Just keep them with the values already specified.

✨ All set! ✨ You're ready to run Musicritic!

Starting Musicritic

With all configured, now you'll need to run the following commands to install the dependencies and run the Musicritic

yarn install
yarn dev

🎉 Musicritic is running 🎉 You now can check it out accessing http://localhost:3000 on your browser!

💡 If you want to check our backend, we have a GraphQL Playground running on http://localhost:3000/api/graphql. You may also need to login on Musicritic to try some queries and mutations, to do that, you can access http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signin and click on the Sign in button.

💡 You can check an interactive UI for the local firebase database running on http://localhost:5000/firestore

This is it! Now, if you make any modifications on the code, the application should update itself automatically.

If you got stuck in the middle of the process, feel free to create a question on the discussions tab so that we can help you out!

Suggest a new feature or report a bug

Feel free to create an issue!

Do it yourself

We're working on a better CONTRIBUTING file. Meanwhile, we've got some open issues!


@JoseRenan and @JRobsonJr


Your personal music-specific Metacritic.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 97.9%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:JavaScript 0.7%