caligari87 / darkdoomz

A adjustable, zscripted clone of SidDoyle/Josh771's DarkDoom

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This simple mutator/add-on re-implements the concept behind SidDoyle's Dark Doom, using ZScript. Basically, makes Doom darker by reducing the light levels across all sectors in the map.

A settings menu is provided to adjust the effect. The following settings are available:

Main Settings

  • Mode - Several adjustment modes are available:
    • Subtract - Simply subtracts from the light level. This mimics DarkDoom's method.
    • Compress - Applies a linear range commpression, so the light levels don't bottom out as quickly.
    • Clamp - Clamps the maximum brightness level without lowering darker sectors.
    • Crush - Darkens darker sectors more on an exponential curve, adding contrast.
    • DarkDoom - Three additional modes to emulate classic DarkDoom. These override the preset darkening settings.
  • Preset - Eight pre-set lighting levels in 32-unit increments.

Advanced Settings

  • Pre-Gain - Adjust the level brightness before applying adjustments.
  • Post-Gain - Adjust the level brightness after applying adjustments.
  • Min. Lightlevel - Enforces a minimum light level regardless of other settings.
  • Sky Sectors - Adjust how much effect is applied to sectors with a sky.
    • 0.0 = No effect (sky sectors are not adjusted)
    • 0.5 = Half (sky sectors get half adjustment of other sectors)
    • 1.0 = Full effect (sky sectors are adjusted like all other sectors)
  • Sector Effects - Enables or disables sector light effects (flicker, pulse, etc). Requires a restart of the map.

Fog Settings

  • Fog Mode - Alias to GZDoom's built-in light fade setting.
  • Fog Density - Overrides the default light fade intensity. Can make maps really dark at a distance even in brighter areas.

Flashlight Settings

  • Quality
    • Simple - Single spot light using the average spread/intensity of the fancy lights.
    • Fancy - Two spot lights to simulate both focused beam and light spill.
  • Type - Preset light styles. The brighter options may negatively affect performance.
    • Incandescent - Dim warm bulb with a wide beam and little spill.
    • Halogen - Moderately bright, focused beam with large spill.
    • LED - Very bright focused beam, very wide shallow spill
    • Red Filter - Dim, nightvision-preserving light, same spread as the halogen.
  • Position - Where the light is relative to the player and how it moves.
    • Handheld - Loose springy following style, from below the viewpoint.
    • Left / Right Shoulder - Tighter following, offset to the side of the viewpoint.
    • Helmet - Very tight following, above viewpoint
  • Toggle Key - Customizable hotkey to enable/disable the flashlight.


A adjustable, zscripted clone of SidDoyle/Josh771's DarkDoom

License:zlib License