cairy / vnote

A Vim-inspired note-taking application, especially for Markdown.

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VNote is a Vim-inspired note-taking application, designed specially for Markdown.

VNote 是一个受Vim启发开发的专门为 Markdown 而优化、设计的笔记软件。


Downloads (下载)



Windows Build Status


Build Status

NOT ready yet! Please help yourself to compile and build it from sources.


Build Status

Description (简介)

VNote is a Qt-based, free and open source note-taking application, focusing on Markdown. VNote is designed to provide comfortable edit experience.

Utilizing Qt, VNote could run on Linux, Windows and MacOS. Android support will be on the road soon.


基于Qt框架,VNote能够在主流操作系统上运行,包括 Linux, Windows 以及 MacOS。Android客户端目前也在开发计划内,敬请期待。


Support (支持)

  • Github Issues
  • Email: tamlokveer at
  • QQ群: 487756074 (VNote使用和开发)

Why VNote (开发VNote的动机)

Markdown Editor & Note-Taking (Markdown编辑器与笔记管理)

VNote tries to be a Markdown editor with notes management, or a note-taking application with pleasant Markdown support.

Some popular note-taking applications provide Markdown support, such as WizNote, Youdao Note. But most of them provide poor Markdown experience (especially on Linux).

There are always many powerful Markdown editors. But most of them lack the functionality to manage all your notes. During the design and implementation, VNote references to CuteMarked a lot.




Pleasant Markdown Experience (舒适的Markdown体验)

VNote tries to minimize the gap between the edit and view of Markdown. Instead of using two panels to edit and preview simultaneously, VNote utilizes syntax highlight to help keeping track of the content. VNote also previews images in place when editing. It is said that you won't want to exit the edit mode when using VNote.

VNote also learns a lot from Vim and Shell to provide many convenient and efficient shortcuts.



Features (功能)

Notebook-Based Notes Management (基于笔记本的管理)

VNote uses notebooks to hold your notes. Like OneNote, a notebook can be hosted on any location in your system. A notebook is designed to represent one account. For example, you could have one notebook hosted on local file system and another notebook hosted on an OwnCloud server. This is really useful when notes require different levels of security.

A notebook corresponds to a self-contained folder in the file system. You could copy the folder to another location (or on another computer) and import it into VNote.

A notebook could have infinite levels of directories. VNote supports copying or moving directories or notes within or between notebooks.

VNote使用 笔记本 来管理笔记。类似于OneNote,一个笔记本可以保存在系统上的任意位置。一个笔记本对应于一个账户的概念。例如,你可以在本地文件系统上有一个笔记本,另外在某台OwnCloud服务器上保存另一个笔记本。当不同的笔记有不同的保密要求时,独立的笔记本就非常适用了。



VNote Directory and File Panel

Simple Notes Management (直观的笔记管理)

All your notes are managed by some plaintext configuration files and stored as plaintext files. You could access your notes without VNote. You could use external file synchronization services to synchronize your notes and import them on another machine.

VNote supports both Markdown (suffix md) and rich text notes.



Minimum Gap Between Edit and View (最小化编辑与阅读的鸿沟)

VNote tries to provide the best-effort WYSIWYG for Markdown by utilizing proper syntax highlight and other features.

通过使用有意义的语法高亮和其他一些功能,VNote尽可能为Markdown提供 所见即所得 的体验。

Syntax Highlight (语法高亮)

VNote supports accurate syntax highlight for Markdown. Tuning the style of the highlight, VNote enables you to keep track of your document easily.

VNote also supports syntax highlight for fenced code blocks in Markdown, which is superior than almost all current Markdown editors.



VNote Syntax Highlight

Live Image Preview (实时图片预览)

VNote supports previewing the image link while editing. With this, you could just stay in edit mode as much as possible.

You could select the image to copy it.



VNote Live Image Preview

Pleasant Image Experience (良好的图片体验)

Just paste your image into the Markdown note, VNote will manage all other stuffs. VNote stores images in the images folder in the same directory with the note. VNote will pop up a window to preview the image when you insert an image. Furthermore, VNote will delete the image file automatically after you remove the image link.

编辑时,支持像其他富文本编辑器一样直接粘贴插入图片,VNote会帮你管理所插入的图片。VNote将这些图片保存在和笔记同一目录下的 images 子目录中。插入图片时,VNote会弹出一个窗口预览即将要插入的图片。另外,当你移除笔记中的图片链接时,VNote会自动删除对应的图片。

VNote Image Insertion

Interactive Outline Viewer for Edit and View Mode (编辑和阅读时交互式大纲视图)

VNote provides a user-friendly outline viewer for both edit and view mode. The outline viewer is a responsive item tree instead of a segment of HTML.


VNote Outline Viewer

Powerful Shortcuts (强大的快捷键)

VNote supports many pleasant and powerful shortcuts which facilitate your editing, including Captain Mode and Navigation Mode which enable you to work without the mouse.

Some Examples:

  • Ctrl+W to enter edit mode; Ctrl+R to save and enter read mode; Ctrl+T to maximize edit area;
  • Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+O to insert bold, italic and inline-code text.

Please refer to the help menu for more details.

VNote提供很多快捷键,从而提供一个愉悦的编辑体验。其中包括 舰长模式导航模式,它们能让你完全摆脱鼠标。


  • Ctrl+W 进入编辑模式;Ctrl+R 保存并进入阅读模式;Ctrl+T 最大化编辑区;
  • Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, Ctrl+O 插入粗体、斜体和行内代码。


Window Split (窗口分割)

VNote supports infinite horizontal window split, facilitating notes management and writing.


VNote Window Split

Highly Configurable (高度可定制)

In VNote, almost everything is configurable, such as background color, font, and Markdown style. VNote uses a plaintext file to record all your configuration, so you could just copy that file to initialize a new VNote on another computer.


Others (其他)

VNote also supports many other features, like:

  • Highlight current cursor line;
  • Highlight selected text;
  • Powerful search within the note;
  • Auto indent and auto list;


  • 高亮当前行;
  • 高亮所选择的文本;
  • 强大的页内查找;
  • 自动缩进和自动列表;

VNote Find

Build & Development (构建与开发)

Clone & Init (克隆代码仓库)

git clone vnote.git
cd vnote.git
git submodule update --init

Download Qt & Have Fun (下载Qt)

Download Qt 5.7.0 and open as a project.

下载Qt 5.7.0,导入VNote.pro创建一个工程。

Linux Command Line (Linux命令行)

If you prefer command line on Linux, you could follow these steps.


cd vnote.git
mkdir build
cd build
# May need to use the qmake in your downloaded Qt.
qmake ../
sudo make install


If you prefer command line on macOS, you could follow these steps.

  1. Install Xcode and Homebrew;

  2. Install Qt5.7 via Homebrew:

    brew install qt@5.7
  3. In the project directory, create like this:

    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    qmake -v
    qmake CONFIG-=debug CONFIG+=release ../
    make -j2
  4. Make executable and run it:

    chmod +x
  5. Now you got the bundle path/to/project/build/src/ Enjoy yourself!


  1. 安装Xcode和Homebrew:

  2. 通过Homebrew安装Qt5.7:

    brew install qt@5.7
  3. 在VNote源码根目录下,新建一个文件

    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    qmake -v
    qmake CONFIG-=debug CONFIG+=release ../
    make -j2
  4. 修改build_macos.sh的执行权限,并执行:

    chmod +x
  5. 此时得到VNote的Bundle path/to/project/build/src/,打开即可。

Dependencies (依赖)

License (代码许可)

VNote is licensed under the MIT license.


A Vim-inspired note-taking application, especially for Markdown.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 53.8%Language:C 37.0%Language:CSS 4.6%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:QMake 0.6%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Prolog 0.0%