caiolopes / ire

Insurance Recommendation Engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Insurance Recommendation Engine (IRE)

Code style: black Imports: isort

This application receives the user profile through the API and transforms it into a risk profile by calculating a risk score for each line of insurance (life, disability, home & auto) based on the information.

Test Coverage: 97%



Running locally

Required steps:

First, you must install dependencies by running:

poetry install

Spawn a virtualenv and activate it.

poetry shell

Start the application:

uvicorn main:app --reload --app-dir ire


pre-commit install


This projects uses pytest.

pytest --cov=ire --cov-report html tests



This projects relies on FastAPI as the web framework.

The reasoning for this decision were many:

  • A micro-framework, fast to code, with a simple and easy to use routing system;
  • Automatic interactive API documentation;
  • The usage of Pydantic for data validation, and settings management using python type annotations.


This projects uses the pattern of "Pluggable Backends" to make an extensible recommendation engine.

All configuration right now is in the file ire.core.config.

It is worth to mention two important ones:


They are a list of string which contains the full path to the respective classes that implements the risk rules logic.

The advantage of this approach is to provide loose coupling between the risk service and the rules, making it easy to add/remove rules.

It also provides easier testing.

The below image summarizes this strategy:

API Documentation

Interactive documentation is available on:


Insurance Recommendation Engine


Language:Python 100.0%