cainesap / shiny.reglog

ShinyApps modules for user-handled account registering, password recovery and log-in.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lifecycle: stable CRAN status CRAN checks

1. Introduction

The user authentication in Shiny applications can be very useful. Mainly, user can login to read and write some results of their session into relational database.

On the other hand, it may be handy for your App to allow access of unregistered users. If you need to secure your ShinyApp, there are better alternatives (mainly shinymanager package)

This package contains modules to use in your Shiny application allowing you to automatically insert boxes for login, register and password reset procedure. It currently supports two methods for database containers:

  • googlesheets for easy of use (via googlesheets4 package)
  • SQLite database for security and faster use (via DBI and RSQLite packages)

Both registration and password reset procedures require confirmation email to verify the user. The package allows two methods of mail sending:

  • via emayili package for more flexibility and easier setup but less security
  • via gmailr package, allowing usage of popular gmail accounts. This method is more secure but the setup can be more tricky: for more information you can check vignette: shiny.reglog: How to get Google API authorization

Currently the package went into stable state, as it have potential of growth without danger of breaking changes. In the future I plan to widen the usability:

  1. Some kind of admin / levels of authorization for users
  2. Passphrase for SQLite database

2. Installation

You can install this version of shiny.reglog from GitHub with:

# install version from CRAN 

# or install latest version from GitHub
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("StatisMike/shiny.reglog")

3. Setup

To use the contents of this package, can use helper functions included in the package.

3.1 Googlesheet database method

  1. Create googlesheet file on your googledrive to support database. It creates empty spreadsheet.
# create googlesheet and gather its id for later usage
# you can also specify optional 'name' argument for custom gsheet name

gsheet_id <- create_gsheet_db()

# save you gsheet_id - you need to provide it later to login_server()

If you wish to import some credentials, you can do it by giving the data.frame object to the credentials argument:

# get some credentials
credentials <- data.frame(
  timestamp = Sys.time(),
  user_id = "ShinyReglogTest",
  user_mail = "shinyreglog@test",
  user_pass = "VeryHardPassword"

# create gsheet database with some credentials
gsheet_id <- create_gsheet_db(
  credentials = credentials,
  # when giving some credentials, you need to specify if the passwords were hashed by 'scrypt` package
  credentials_pass_hashed = F)
  1. Configure googlesheets4 package to use out-of-band (non-interactive) auth. For more information about it visit googlesheets4 documentation or vignette provided with shiny.reglog

3.2 SQLite database method

Create an SQLite database that your Shiny App will have access to. It creates empty database.

# create SQLite database and gather its filepath for later usage


# you need to provide 'path/to/db.sqlite' later to login_server()

If you wish to import some credentials, you can do it by giving the data.frame object to the credentials argument:

# get some credentials
credentials <- data.frame(
  timestamp = Sys.time(),
  user_id = "ShinyReglogTest",
  user_mail = "shinyreglog@test",
  user_pass = "VeryHardPassword"

# create SQLite database with some credentials
  credentials = credentials,
  # when giving some credentials, you need to specify if the passwords were hashed by 'scrypt` package
  credentials_pass_hashed = F)

4. Information about functions

All functions generates text (input labels, descriptions, authomatic e-mail). You can control the language of displayed text with lang argument. Currently it supports English (the default) and Polish (lang = "pl"). If you want to use non-default language, you need to set the ‘lang’ argument consistently between all functions of the package.

4.1. UI functions

All UI functions creates a div element which can be input into UI of your application, inside a fluidRow, complete fluidPage, tabItem of dashboard or any other container of your choosing.

4.1.1. register_UI

The register box contains inputs for user ID (which can be used to link the user with other elements in external databases), e-mail address (which will be used to send confirmation e-mail and reset codes for your password) and for password and password repetition. It tests validity of all inputs and tries to register new account after pushing the “Register” button.

It produces modal dialog detailing the result. Additionally, if registered successfully it sends user a confirmation e-mail.

Currently the functions accept user ID and password consisting of 8~25 alphanumeric characters. It is planned to change in future iterations to widen the requirements - especially for passwords.

Provided password is saved in hashed form - using the scrypt::hashPassword function.

Register UI - click for gif!

4.1.2. login_UI

The login box contains inputs for user ID and password. After pushing the “Login” button, it check validity of inputs and logins user. Produces modal dialog detailing results.

Login UI - click for gif!

4.1.3. password_reset_UI

The box for password reset consists of two UI elements: the password_reset_UI div element and modal dialog it produces after confirming validity of inputted confirmation code.

The main div contains input for User ID. After user inputs their ID, they should push “Send code” button, which generates their 24h-valid resetcode mails it to their e-mail and stores in hashed form in the database.

After they receive reset code, they need to input it in the next inputbox below and push next button. The validity of inputted code in relation to user ID is then checked. If correct, the new modal dialog opens to input the new password.

Reset UI - click for gif!

The user need to provide new password and repeat it to check for any typos. After pushing the “Confirm new password” button, below input boxes a message is rendered to give feedback to the user - if the password was changed successfully. After that, the user can close modal dialog with “OK” button.

Reset modal dialog - click for gif!

4.1.4. logout_button

Simple actionButton for your users to log out during ShinyApp session. Clicking it brings on modalDialog asking if they are sure that they want to logout.

4.2. Server function

Currently there is only one server function: login_server()

  id = "login_system", 
  db_method = c("gsheet", "sqlite"), 
  mail_method = c("emayili", "gmailr"),
  lang = "en",

4.2.1. Arguments

login_server arguments can be divided into three main groups: General arguments: always mandatory

These arguments are always mandatory while using login_server

  • id argument defaults to “login_system”. You can use different name - but remember to keep it consistent for all functions
  • db_method specify which database method you want to use. At this moment there are two methods for databases: gsheet and sqlite
  • mail_method specify which e-mailing method you want to use. At this moment there are two methods fo e-mailing: gmailr and emayili
  • appname is the character string with title of your application
  • appaddress is the character string with URL address of your application for your users to navigate from their confirmation mail
  • lang argument defaults to “en”. It changes the language of your modules. Currently only one other option is available: “pl” for Polish Arguments specific to database methods
  • gsheet_file is the character string containing your googlesheets ID. Argument is mandatory when using gsheet database method
  • sqlite_db is the character string specifying path to your sqlite database path. Argument is mandatory when using sqlite Arguments specific to e-mail methods
  • gmailr_user is the character string of your gmail address that you wish the application to use for automatic e-mails. Used in gmailr mailing method

  • emayili_user is the character string of your email address, that is also used to log into your mailbox. Used in emayili mailing method, as the ones below.

  • emayili_password is the character string of password that you use to log into your mailbox

  • emayili_host is the character string specifying the sending host of your mailbox (fe. for gmail mailbox)

  • emayili_port is the character string containing the sending port of your mailbox (fe. 465 for gmail mailbox)

4.2.2. Values

login_server function creates reactiveValues object containing three elements, describing the status of current sessions’ active user.

  • is_logged returns a boolean indicating, if the user is anonymous (FALSE) or logged in (TRUE)
  • user_id returns a character string containing the ID specyfied during registration and used to log-in. When is_logged = F it countains the timestamp of time when the anonymous user began his session. It can be used to link specific activities and outputs generated by the same person.
  • user_mail returns a character string containing the email address provided during registration. It can be used for automatic sending the user some kind of e-mails (fe. containing the results of some analysis after using your ShinyApp). When is_logged = F it contains the empty string value ("")

Additionally, it stores the tibbles of user_db and reset_db content under session$userData inside reactive_db object of reactiveValues class.

# save the output in the server function of you application

auth <- login_server(...)

# you can check if currently the user is logged


# moreover, you can check what is the ID and mail of currently logged user

user_data <- list(
  ID = auth$user_id,
  mail = auth$user_mail

5. Examples

Examples of shiny.reglog implementation with varying methods for database and e-mail implementation both in base shiny and shinydashboard are contained within examples folder.

6. User feedback

As it is package in very early development, please give any feedback after using it. Open new Issues or mail any suggestions to my e-mail


ShinyApps modules for user-handled account registering, password recovery and log-in.


Language:R 100.0%