caiguanhao / reminder

generate html for many expiry dates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


reminder | html2png -full | lark-upload-image -send ou_0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef

See html2png and lark-upload-image.

Create ./cmd/reminder/key.go and go build -v ./cmd/reminder:

func init() {
	ac = aliyun.Client{
		AccessKeyId:     "",
		AccessKeySecret: "",

	tc = tencentcloud.Client{
		AccessKeyId:     "",
		AccessKeySecret: "",

	oc = ossslim.Client{
		AccessKeyId:     ac.AccessKeyId,
		AccessKeySecret: ac.AccessKeySecret,
		Prefix:          "",
		Bucket:          "bucket",

	regionIds = []string{"cn-hangzhou", "cn-hongkong"}

	certsDir = "certs/"

	certsEncryptionKey = strings.Join([]string{
		"\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00",
		"\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00",
		"\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00",
		"\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00", "\x00",
	}, "")



generate html for many expiry dates


Language:Go 100.0%