cahuja1992 / DRL_based_SelfDrivingCarControl

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DQN) based Self Driving Car Control with Vehicle Simulator

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DRL Based Self Driving Car Control

Version 0.8

Version information of this project


Paper of this Project is accepted to Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2018!! 😄


This repository is for Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Self Driving Car Control project in ML Jeju Camp 2017

There are 2 main goals for this project.

  • Making vehicle simulator with Unity ML-Agents.

  • Control self driving car in the simulator with some safety systems.

    As a self driving car engineer, I used lots of vehicle sensors(e.g. RADAR, LIDAR, ...) to perceive environments around host vehicle. Also, There are a lot of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems (ADAS) which are already commercialized. I wanted to combine these things with my deep reinforcement learning algorithms to control self driving car.

Simple overview of my project is as follows.

Snesor data plotting

I will use sensor data and camera image as inputs of DRL algorithm. DRL algorithm decides action according to the inputs. If the action may cause dangerous situation, ADAS controls the vehicle to avoid collision.

Environment of this project


  • Windows7 (64bit)
  • Python 3.5.2
  • Anaconda 4.2.0
  • Tensorflow 1.3.0


  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHZ

  • GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

  • Memory: 8GB

Description of files

  • Dueling_Image.ipynb: Dueling network using only image of vehicle.
  • Dueling_sensor.ipynb: Dueling network using only sensor data of vehicle.
  • Dueling_image_sensor.ipynb: Dueling network using both image and sensor of vehicle

I also upload the other DQN codes which I tested with the games that I made. Check out my DRL github repo

This is my PPT file of final presentation

Also, this are the links for my Driving Simulators. (Windows only for now)

Simulator - Windows

Simulator - Mac

Simulator - Linux

Unzip the simulator into the environment folder.

Specific explanation of my simulator and model is as follows.


Snesor data plotting

I made this simulator to test my DRL algorithms. Also, to test my algorithms, I need sensor data and Camera images as inputs, but there was no driving simulators which provides both sensor data and camera images. Therefore, I tried to make one by myself.

The simulator is made by Unity ML-agents

As, I mentioned simulator provides 2 inputs to DRL algorithm. Forward camera, Sensor data. The example of those inputs are as follows.

Front Camera Image Sensor data Plotting
Snesor data plotting Snesor data plotting

Also, vehicles of this simulator have some safety functions. This functions are applied to the other vehicles and host vehicle of ADAS version. The sensor overview is as follows.

Snesor data plotting

The safety functions are as follows.

  • Forward warning
    • Control the velocity of host vehicle equal to velocity of the vehicle at the front.
    • If distance between two vehicles is too close, rapidly drop the velocity to the lowest velocity
  • Side warning: No lane change
  • Lane keeping: If vehicle is not in the center of the lane, move vehicle to the center of the lane.

As a result, the action of the vehicle is as follows.

  • Do nothing
  • Acceleration
  • Deceleration
  • Lane change to left lane
  • Lane change to right lane

DRL Model

For this project, I read papers as follows.

  1. Human-level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning

  2. Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-Learning

  3. Prioritized Experience Replay

  4. Dueling Network Architecture for Deep Reinforcement Learning

  5. Deep Recurrent Q-Learning for Partially Observable MDPs

  6. Deep Attention Recurrent Q-Network

You can find the code of those algorithms at my DRL github. (I should write markdown of this repository...)

Therefore, I applied algorithms 1 ~ 4 to my DRL model. The network model is as follows.

Snesor data plotting


Before Training

Result(Before Learning)

After Training

Result(After Learning)

After training, host vehicle drives mush faster (almost at the maximum speed!!!) with little lane change!! Yeah! :happy:


Deep Reinforcement Learning (DQN) based Self Driving Car Control with Vehicle Simulator


Language:Jupyter Notebook 92.4%Language:Python 7.6%