cagodoy / tenpo-restaurants-api

Microservice implemented in Golang that get nearby restaurants from Google Places API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Microservice implemented in Golang that get nearby restaurants from Google Places API.

GRPC Service

service RestaurantService {
  rpc ListByCoord(RestaurantListByCoordRequest) returns (RestaurantListByCoordResponse) {}

message Restaurant {
  string id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  string rating = 3;
  string address = 4;
  bool open = 5;
  string photo_reference = 6;
  Coord coord = 7;

message RestaurantListByCoordRequest {
  Coord coord = 1;
  string page_token = 2;

message MetaRestaurantListByCoord {
  string page_token = 1;

message RestaurantListByCoordResponse {
  repeated Restaurant data = 1;
  MetaRestaurantListByCoord meta = 2;
  Error error = 3;

Commands (Development)

make build: build restaurants service for osx.

make linux: build restaurants service for linux os.

make docker: build docker.

docker run -it -p 5030:5030 tenpo-restaurants-api: run docker.

PORT=<port> API_KEY=<api_key> make r: run tenpo restaurants service.


Microservice implemented in Golang that get nearby restaurants from Google Places API.


Language:Go 76.1%Language:Makefile 14.9%Language:Dockerfile 9.1%