cagedev / WebLaTex

A complete alternative for Overleaf with VSCode + Live Collaboration + Web + Git Integration

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comcagedev/WebLaTexRepository from Github https://github.comcagedev/WebLaTex

The WebLatex


A complete alternative for Overleaf with VSCode + Web + Git Integration + Live Collaboration Support



Where PDF?

Generated PDFs will be saved to /PDF directory

Installation Instructions

  1. Login or Sign Up to GitHub
  2. Fork this repository or just click Here
  3. Give it a name and select Create Fork
  4. Select <> Code > CodeSpaces > Create Codespace on Main tutorial
  5. It will start installing. You Have to wait for 2 mins in the first time. After that it will take 2/3 seconds to open up

Editor Instructions

  1. Pressing Ctrl+S will save the document and generate PDF in the PDF folder
  2. To check the generated PDF click on the PDF file. However It will take 20/30 seconds to open the preview for the first time. So, do not panic. After that, it will generate and preview the pdf instantly.
  3. Your code will be automatically saved and the PDF will generate automatically each time you edit something
  4. You can see all the error logs in the Terminal > Output > Latex Compiler as well as in the Latex Workshop sidebar
  5. If it shows Error showing PDF or in case of any inconvenience, just reload the browser or press Ctrl+R
  6. Just use it as you use Visual Studio Code
  7. Do not delete the devcontainer.json file.

To use with LuaLatex or any other Tex program

Add this line to your main .tex file

%!TEX program = <tex_program>

For example, to use LuaLatex:

%!TEX program = lualatex

Live Collaboration

Just Click on the Live Share Sidebar button and you are good to go Collaboration

What's Next

  1. Will optimize the backend to decrease installation time and PDF showing time for the first time
  2. Documentation
  3. Release: Export PDF as a release version
  4. You tell me


  1. Send an email to
  2. Facebook, LinkedIn


A complete alternative for Overleaf with VSCode + Live Collaboration + Web + Git Integration

License:MIT License


Language:TeX 100.0%