cabol / distcount

Counters app example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Counters app example!

This is a simple example of how to implement an app or service for incrementing counters, as well as persisting them somehow. It uses ETS tables for implementing "time bucketing aggregation" for being able to update and aggregate the counters by time slots allowing max writes concurrency. It also uses PorstgreSQL for persisting the state. The counters state is persisted as an event log to improve the sync/offloading process.

Getting started

To start the app:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can call the endpoint to increment counters using curl, like so:

curl -iX POST 'http://localhost:3333/increment' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"key": "c1", "value": 1}'

From the IEx you can also check the actual counter value by calling:

iex> Distcount.Counters.get_counter_value("c1")

NOTE: Keep in mind the offload interval time.

Configuring the sync/offloading interval

You can set any offloading interval by configuring the Distcount.Counters.TimeBucketAggregator, for example in the config file:

# Time bucket aggregator
config :distcount, Distcount.Counters.TimeBucketAggregator,
  offload_interval: 5000

Telemetry Metrics

This projects is instrumented by means of Telemetry and TelemetryMetrics. You can find the dispatched metrics in the module DistcountWeb.Telemetry. We basically dispatch the different metrics provided by Phoenix, Ecto, and :telemetry_poller, as well and the ones provided by the app Distcount itself; you can find more information about these metrics in the module Distcount.Counters.TimeBucketAggregator (see Telemetry section in the docs).

For validating the metrics, you can run the app in dev mode inside IEx and all the metrics will me printed there, since the Telemetry console reporter is enabled in dev. Try calling the endpoint so you can see the metrics dispatched by the app. Also you will see the ones related to the offload.sync process.

Additionally, since the project uses the Telemetry stack, you can change the reporter at any time and point the metrics to a StatsD agent for example and send them to some tool like Datadog. See DistcountWeb.Telemetry docs, there is an example about how to configure the StatsD reporter.


For running the unit tests:

mix test

Running the tests with coverage:

mix coveralls.html

You will find the coverage report within cover/excoveralls.html.

Additionally, you can run all the checks by running:

mix check


This project provides a set of basic benchmark tests using the library benchee, and they are located within the directory benchmarks.

Since we use a specific profile for the benchmarks, you have to setup the DB first:

MIX_ENV=bench mix ecto.create
MIX_ENV=bench mix ecto.migrate

To run a benchmark test you have to run:

MIX_ENV=bench mix run benchmarks/distcount_bench.exs

NOTE: The MIX_ENV=bench is for running the bench with bench profile and avoid the logs and metrics (Telemetry console reporter) enabled in dev and printed in the console.

You can also tweak the bench based on benchee options.

There are two operations we measure here: Distcount.Counters.incr/1 and Distcount.Counters.get_counter_value/1. this give us an idea about the performance of incrementing counters (writes) as well as retrieving them (reads); despite the project is mainly focused on writes.


Counters app example

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%