cabbagec2hlbGwK / dynamic-agent-jenkins

a small project to implement dynamic agents for Jenkins

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A small project to implement dynamic agents for Jenkins


  • First thing is to set up the dev cluster where we are going to try all the mess. u can also use your own cluster in place of this dev cluster

    • using Kind let's create the cluster kind create cluster --config cluster-config.yaml this will create the cluster.
    • We can check the details of the cluster using kubectl kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind
    • To install reffer
  • Now lets create a namespace in K8s which we are going to use

    • kubectl create namespace jenkins this will create the namespace named jenkins.
    • Make sure to keep a record of the namespace for future ref.
  • We have to create a service account with admin privileges as we are going to use this service account to perform all the required actions on the cluser.

    • to create the service account just apply the serviceAccount.yaml file on the approprate context and namespace kubectl apply -f .\serviceAccount.yaml --context kind-kind -n jenkins

    • this file will create the following:

      1. ServiceAccount with the name jenkins in the jenkins namespace.
      2. Secret with the name jenkins-token in the jenkins namespace. This secret is of type, and has an annotation with the value jenkins, which is required for the token to be valid.
      3. ClusterRoleBinding with the name jenkins-cr. This binds the cluster-admin role to the jenkins service account in the jenkins namespace.
    • once the account is created successfully we can get the token for the jenkins service account using the following command kubectl get secret jenkins-token --namespace jenkins --context kind-kind -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' make sure to change the necessary information if u make any changes in the yaml file .

    • this will return a base64 encoded value so make sure to decode it before you use it.

  • Installing the K8s plugin in Jenkins

  • Once we are done installing we can move on to config part of the plugin

    • go to Dashboard>Manage Jenkins>Manage nodes and clouds>Configure Clouds and add a new cloud and select Kubernetes.
    • config the required settings like
      • Name : kubernetes or whatever you want to set, just make sure u remember it as this is going to be the name of the agent on which the jobs can be executed.
      • Kubernetes URL : we can get the URL for this from cluster-info command
      • Disable https certificate check : in case you don’t have a valid https cert mark it True
      • Kubernetes Namespace : the namespace we created jenkins
      • Jenkins URL : Change it if u are using localhost or you cant route a named entry.
      • WebSocket : mark it True
      • Credentials : create a new secret text credential with the value of jenkins-token as the id .
    • now we can save it and the connection is ready to run jobs.
    • we can define pod template also in case we need it.
  • Creating a job:

    • we can create jobs to run on k8s by setting the agent to kubernetes
    • example :
    pipeline {
      agent {
        kubernetes {
          yaml '''
            apiVersion: v1
            kind: Pod
              - name: alpine
                image: alpine
                tty: true
      stages {
        stage('test run') {
          steps {
            container('alpine') {
              sh 'echo "hello world" && sleep 120'

    we first define the the pod where we want to run the job then we use the container using the container option with the name of the container as argument.


a small project to implement dynamic agents for Jenkins


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