cSquaerd / ccIcosahedronGenerator

Python Script that generates an .OBJ 3D Model file of an Icosahedron algorithmically

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Charles Cook's Icosahedron Generator

A Mathematical Python Script

Begun April 23rd, 2019

UV Map Added April 20th, 2021

Handed-ness Correction Added April 21st, 2021


An icosahedron is the largest of the five Platonic Solids (by face count). It captivated me when I was taking my first Computer Graphics course due to my use of it as a 20 sided die, or d20 as it is known, in my long-running D&D sessions with friends. Thus, I wanted to make a perfect representation of it in digital form.

Originally, I just wanted the shape itself, which required defining its vertices and faces, with the later requiring vertex-triplets and normal vectors. I was able to accomplish this in short order, and produced the following animations via OpenGL in C++:

Orbiting SO YOU REALL WANNA KNOW? double;;double;;

Two years passed, and I wanted to use it again in a VR video game project. It imported into Unity just fine, but I remembered I didn't give it a proper UV map back in the day. Thus, I set about drawing one out on paper, using the existing and fixed real vertices to stitch it correctly onto the model:

After some fine tuning, I was able to map the UV vertices to their Real counterparts with some set arithmetic, and all looked well, except it seemed a dice texture I applied seemed mirrored.

It was at this point I read a bit more about the file format I was using, Wavefront OBJ, and realized that it's a right handed coordinate system; With how I had drawn the slices of the icosahedron to map UV vertices to Real vertices, I was using a left handed coordinate system. Without getting to more into what all that means, to fix it I simply had to redraw the slices, this time with the z-axis pointing down (not up), and redo my relations, and ...

After many off-by-one errors, it worked. To understand the full algorithm, I leave as an exercise to the reader to follow the carefully commented code, along with running the program for yourself.


Python Script that generates an .OBJ 3D Model file of an Icosahedron algorithmically


Language:Python 100.0%