c4pt000 / Time-Dialation-temporal-spatial

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Time-Dialation-temporal-spatial Dec 13, 2020

update 01-04-2022

considering time-space based on the model of gravity from the standard model of gravity, in response to many articles including reading the recent ron mallett cnn mention, and paul sutter astrophysicist



time dialation is possible based on massive effects of gravity shifting time and space, considering from observation of a billionith of a second time dialation from the massive weight of the pyramids, resulting in time slowing by 1/1,000,000,000 1ns an increased mass of 10^27 tons almost the weight of the sun time would slow by 15 minutes, thinking about this on a deeper level,



at an increased mass, almost 1,000 times the sun or 10,000 times the weight of the sun time would slow down by days or even up to a week, (in effect risking the earth from losing its orbital track around the sun)

observers around the massive object uneffected by gravity would resume at a normal rate, from the gravity effected side those observers would appear to moving much much faster (when in fact they would be moving at a normal rate with time)

in reverse if gravity was effect for the entire planet and only a person or small team were effected free from the confines of the gravity from a zero mass effect while retaining matter

from the observers side the single person or the small team would appear to be moving much much much faster, from the single person or small team's not effected by gravity (from advancements from higgs boson for 0 mass particles) side everything around them would be moving much much much much slower,

from the observers uneffected by gravity, the gravity effected would appear to be moving much much much slower,

in hindsight from the discoveries of the essence of gravity through mass reduction of removing mass from matter to have 0 mass reduction while retaining matter, it could be possible to stablize such heavy gravity in theory but in reality it would risk the earth spiraling away from the orbital track of the sun

in response, bending time and space into a closed linear system as a loop (which could already be existent in form of nth amount version of time taking place, as an m-theory approach to billions or trillions of variations of the this similar world history of all events, traveling back in previous occuring temporal areas of the past, could be like switching between active forks of a stream into a different version of the past running concurrently along this side of the past where world history events have taken place completely different, (some of these versions of world history events would almost seem completely alien to the current state of events in terms of human psychologly considering it would still be earth but a completely different set of world history events) considering all the possible variations of world history events and different dynamics involved with variables and possibilities of different cause and effect changes to allow step based differences in what could happen under different sets of circumstances,

in terms of laymans term of closed linear, compared to multi dynamic,

in the simplest example possible similar to a horse race track each horse runs different if each horse represents a different set of events of world history events, even though it all takes place running side by side each horse doesnt the know the set of events each other horse encountered or how each other horse circles around with a unique set of events,

in terms of laymans term of closed linear, compared to multi dynamic,

(in a closed linear and multidynamic mixture)

the horses all run the same set of events, (but only a fraction of degree changes which is almost un noticeable where only a speck of change occurs like a speck of dirt changing) , but fraction change could be more drastic, than a speck of dirt changing for each iteration consisting of billions of repeating loops
