This is a public inbox. It's an alternative to sending emails to yourself that doesn't require logging in to anything. You can add links and messages from anywhere, and then read through them later.
I originally made this to try out Azure Functions, but later decided to run it on my own server instead, because the cold-start latency was too annoying.
Build and optionally push the Docker image:
$ docker build . -t c2d7fa/inbox
$ docker push c2d7fa/inbox
Set the environment variable AuthenticationToken
to a token that you want to
use for authentication. Then manually set the cookie InboxAuthenticationToken
to this same value in your browser.
$ export AuthenticationToken='<secret token>'
The environment variable PostgresConnectionString
should be set to a
connection string for a Postgres instance; for example:
$ export PostgresConnectionString='Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=postgres;Database=postgres'
To initialize the Postrges database, run the commands in the schema.sql
in the top-level directory of this repository.
After setting the environment variables and database mentioned above, run the image:
$ docker run -ti --rm -e AuthenticationToken -e PostgresConnectionString -p 8080:80 c2d7fa/inbox