c0m3tx / gocan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A very streamlined permission library for Golang.

Currently in development, use at your own risk. Any contribution is welcome!


go get github.com/c0m3tx/gocan


Define a method Abilities on your model, which returns a gocan.Ability object

type User struct {

func (u User) Abilities() gocan.Ability {
  // By default, no ability is set
  var abilities gocan.Ability

  // first parameter is a string, it is possible
  // to use pre-defined gocan constants for basic CRUD functions
  // second parameter is an interface{}, it's possible to use strings
  // or any other object type
  abilities.Grant(gocan.Read, "target", nil)

  // third parameter is an optional comparison function between
  // ability target and provided target
  // function has to be a func(interface{}, interface{}) bool
  // if not defined it's a simple equality comparison
  abilities.Grant("update", User{}, reflect.DeepEquals)

  // gocan.Manage is special: includes gocan.Read, gocan.Create,
  // gocan.Update and gocan.Destroy
  abilities.Grant(gocan.Manage, "some other object", nil))

  return abilities

func DoSmth() {
  u := User{}
  gocan.Can(u, "read", "target") // => true
  gocan.Can(u, "update", "target") // => false
  gocan.Can(u, "update", u) // => true
  gocan.Can(u, "read", "some other object") // => true

See examples folder for a more detailed example.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%