c-robin / NugetConverter

Watch and convert in realtime directories storing simples dlls hierarchically to a fully fonctionnal Nuget repository managing dependencies

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Watch and convert in realtime directories storing simple dlls hierarchically to a fully fonctionnal Nuget repository managing dependencies

It happens that .net developers rely on a very basic shared folder to reference their assemblies. this was before nuget gets popular. The aim of this tool is to syncrhonize a usual shared folder containing assemblies with a nuget server in realtime. So transitive dependencies are better managed.

For each dll localized in the specified folder it generate a nuget package with associated dependencies. The resolution of dependencies can be tricky, the current resolution work like this :

Run it

nuget-converter C:\MyAssembliesFolder -d

Will run as a deamon and watch all dll changes in C:\MyAssembliesFolder. First run can take a while depending of :

  • How many conflict you have (multiple dll with same version in different folder)
  • How many dll you have
  • How slow is you connection to nuget.org (or other if specified)


nuget-converter -s C:\MyAssembliesFolder -a authorName -o ownerName -r C:\\NugetRepostory

Will create all packages for assemblies present in MyAssembliesFolder and will put them in C:\NugetRepostory

nuget-converter -s C:\MyAssembliesFolder -a authorName -o ownerName -r C:\\NugetRepostory -d

Will do the same except it will run as a deamon and watch for changes on C:\MyAssembliesFolder

Checking for non generated packages

Logs are very, very verbose in order to quickly identify why some packages where not generated. you can also check the files/folders called

  • cache\unresolved : most important one, list all the references that were not found. to solve it you can add various mapping. see after.
  • cache\assemblies.ini : cache that hold all the assemblies definition found in source folder
  • cache\versions.ini : contains all the conflicting version for assemblies found in source folder
  • cache : contains all the dependencies for each dll (*.ini except versions.ini & assemblies.ini)
  • nuget-repository : package caches used to detect if a package need to be re-generated

Command option

-d, --deamon                 Start the convert as deamon to generate
-f, --filename               Filename of an assembly to re-generate
-s, --source                 Required. folder location to generate package from
-r, --repository             Required. repository to push to. can be remote or local repository
-v, --credential             User and password for repository in form of user:password
-p, --official-repository    repository to retrieve package from. can be remote or local repository
-n, --no-cache               don't use cache, will slow down the processing
-l, --resolution-level       Define the level to resolve assembly if match is not exact
-a, --author                 Required. Author used for the package
-o, --owner                  Required. Owner use for the package
-b, --slack-username         name to use to slack
-c, --slack-channel          channel to use
-u, --slack-url              Slack api url for hook
-p, --proxy-url              proxy to use
-l, --proxy-white-list       proxy list separated by ','

By default all resolution steps are activated, it can be deactivated by adding some of this list :

Level Code
1 DontIgnoreEmptyVersion
2 DontUseFolderVersion
4 DontUseFolderVersionRecursivly
8 DontResolveDependancyUsingOfficialRepository
16 DontResolveDependancyIgnoringBuildNumber
32 DontResolveDependancyIgnoringPatchAndBuildNumber
64 DontResolveDependancyIgnoringMultipleAssembliesWithSameVersion

Ie. setting 3 (1+2) will not perform DontIgnoreEmptyVersion & DontUseFolderVersionRecursivly


Will try to generate nuget package for assembly with verion set to


nugetconverter rely on folder name to extract version. This is done like this to manage snapshot version of assembly:


The version will be retrieve from folder name 1.1.10-121201 and will generate (depending of mapping [Set specific version for Nuget package]) the package named my-awesome-1.1.19-121201. But you might prefer to rely on Assembly Version. in this can you can set this Option and folder will be ignored


nugetconverter rely on folder name to extract version and search for it recursivly:


The version will be retrieve from folder named 1.1.10-121201, not the last one. If this option is set it will stop to the first folder


nugetconverter search for a reference on nuget.org (or repository specified by --official-repository if any ). You can disable this by setting this option.


nugetconverter try to match a reference by ignoring build number :

  |__ Assembly-A.

Assembly A availables from remote repository or locally :


Assembly B reference version of assembly A, but we can't find it. in this case nugetconverter will replace the version by, ie the most recent patch. Set this option to stop this behavior.


nugetconverter try to match a reference by ignoring patch number & build number if there is only one match :

  |__ Assembly-A.

Assembly A availables from remote repository or locally :


Assembly B reference version of assembly A, but we can't find it. in this case nugetconverter will replace the version by It will do this only if there is one version starting by 1.2, if it's not the case it will failed and will not generate the package Set this option to stop this behavior.


it happens that multiple assembly with the same name have same version but in different folder :


and assembly-B reference, off course :

  |__ Assembly-A.

How can we decide which one is the "official" one ?. As mention in [Conflicting Version] we rely on public method check to find the best one. Set this option to stop this behavior. in case of conflicting version package generation will fail.

Configuration file

The default configuration file nugetconverter.ini should be put in the source assemblies folder at root level. You can add other extra configuration file in all sub-folders to adjust behavior.

Ignored dll

By default Dll with version are ignored

You can add extra ignored folder using nugetconverter.ini in specific folder containing :


Simple Mapping


When you find any references in dll starting with System.Reactive replace it by the package named 'Rx-Main'

Set specific package for a reference


When you find any references starting with ICSharpCode.TextEditor replace it by the package named ICSharpCode.TextEditor with the specific version

Set specific package for a reference and version


When reference of my-dll-old-name is > 1.18 the package added will be my-dll-renamed-new-name.

Set specific name for package


Will replace mytools by my-tools in the nupkg. ie mytoolsfoo.nupkg will become my-toolsfoo.nupkg

Set specific version for package

In the root configuration file you can add rules to parse specific version, by default the converter will ignore all assembly where folder version will not match a version. ie. C:\dll-1\1.1.10\my-awesome.dll the 4 digits ofrecognize two kind of element in a special version :

  • build : if set, then the nuget package will be created with the build element added to the version (ie. C:\dll-1\1.1.10-121201\my-awesome.dll will become my-awesome.1.1.10-121201.nupkg
  • snapshot : if set, then when the nuget package will be created it will marked it as unstable

if you have the following folder structure :


you can add into the nugetconverter.ini the following rules :


Which means, if the version folder (1.1.10-121201-snapshot) match this regexp then mark this version as unstable (<snapshot>) and add 121201 to the version in nuget.

Fixing simpe circular dependency

For specific case you can specify if there is circular dependencies that must be fixed. It currently support only one level circular dependencies


Will fix the circular reference betwee jaxen & jdom by using version

How it works

First, at startup it generate a cache of assemblies folder and keep in in sync if any change occured and stored this cache under cache folder to avoid re-creating the cache at each startup. This is the aim of AssemblyCacheService

Then generate a nuget package for each dll and try to resolve each dependencies according to the following rules (in that order) :

  • If there is any manual mapping between referenced dll and nuget package take it. see [Custom Mapping]
  • If there is a dll on dll folder [Version Matching|matching] this reference then take it (the reference dll will be a package anyway)
  • If there is a package with the same exact name on the remote repository (ie, nuget.org) then reference this one

Version Matching

By default version retained for each assembly present on the dll directory will be the AssemblyVersion defined in metadata of assembly, except if dll directory structure is containing the version ie :


In this case the version kept will be the folder name.

Conflicting Version

In early stage of .net developpement it happens that multiple dll shared the same version, but not the same code, ie :


where both myassemblyname.dll have the same version internaly. ie 1.0.0 (off course). In this case the resolution is based on work done by https://apichange.codeplex.com/. We compare public methods and chose the assembly matching the best with parent assembly.


  • Be able to configure snapshot name
  • Detect circular Dependencies to avoid generating the package


Watch and convert in realtime directories storing simples dlls hierarchically to a fully fonctionnal Nuget repository managing dependencies

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 100.0%