c-h-russell-walker / photo-gallery

POC/Exploratory Photo Gallery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


POC/Exploratory Photo Gallery Following commands in README.md surrounded with backticks(`) or shown as "code" in markdown are in terminal.

This project is generated with yo angular generator version 0.11.1.

Build & development

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.

Local install

This app used Yeoman to get up and running: http://yeoman.io/learning/index.html What follows are steps that were taken to create project.

Check if you have yeoman installed by running yo -h in the terminal

Install Yeoman/bower/grunt/gulp (if need be): run npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp

Install angular generator: npm install -g generator-angular

In project directory (I've chosen /Users/MY_NAME/Sites/photo-gallery) run: yo angular

Yeoman has a nice CLI that you're encouraged to explore - answered yes to all questions and selected default install of angular modules.

TODO: - Do an audit of auto-installed angular modules

Got compass/Sass related error when running grunt serve ran grunt compass to replicate error Got version of compass with: compass version -> 0.12.6 In order to fix this error upgraded compass version with: gem install compass -v 1.0.3 Now upgraded to version 1.0.3 grunt and grunt serve work as expected now

Running app locally

Clone git repo in what will be parent directory - For example: /Users/YOUR_NAME/Sites git clone

In project directory ('photo-gallery' unless you've renamed it) run npm install & bower install to get project's dependencies Now run grunt (builds the project)

You may see the following error (in my instance is was from not having compass up to date): "Warning: Error: Cannot find where you keep your Bower packages. Use --force to cointunue." Install/update compass with: gem install compass -v 1.0.3 (I also uninstalled first - gem uninstall compass)

Run grunt to run through tests and be sure it builds with no errors

Run grunt serve to see the app run locally in your browser: http://localhost:9000/#/

TODO - Write up instructions on use for Zipped version of project


POC/Exploratory Photo Gallery


Language:ApacheConf 45.1%Language:JavaScript 36.0%Language:HTML 15.2%Language:CSS 3.7%