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Auto-generate transactions for foreign use surcharges from Lufthansa Miles&More credit card statements, and import transactions into MonKey Office

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Process transactions for Lufthansa Mile&More credit cards downloaded from their clients portal as CSV files, generate extra transactions reflecting foreign use surcharges, and import everything into the MonKey Office accounting software.

Why Does This Project Exist?

Back in 2010 when I started my business, the Miles&More CSV transaction statement informed about foreign use surcharges in additional columns. Effectively this gave you two transactions in one line: the actual purchase, and the foreign use surcharge. MonKey Office will however import a single transaction per line only; no way to generate two transactions from a single line of input. Hence, the CSV files downloaded from the Miles&More credit card website were not directly usable with MonKey Office. The solution idea was quite simple: parse the Miles&More CSV, detect foreign use surcharges, and insert new transactions for those charges. This is how the script started.

Over time, Miles&More inevitably kept making changes to their CSV format:

CSV format version Usage Period Remarks
2014 Historical format in use from (at least) 2010 until end 2014, and again after 2015 no AidA column
2015 Historical format in use in 2015 inserts a new AidA column as column number three (i.e. between "R.-Datum" and "R.-Pos.")
2017 Historical format in use starting July 2017 inserts a credit card number column of the form "123456xxxxxx1234" at the beginning of each line
2018 Historical format in use starting April 2018 new header structure with empty lines, format reduced to eight columns (previous formats had 19), already contains foreign use surcharges as separate transactions, fields are enclosed in double quotes
2023 Current format in use sicnce the website relaunch in summer 2023 reduced header structure, new order of columns, fields are unquoted again (cf. 2018 format)

This script recognises all above listed historical and current formats, and processes them. Thus, in case you should still have any historical data to work with, it will still generate output for those.

How Does It Work?

The AWK script mm2datev parses the CSV file from the Miles&More website, splits transactions subject to foreign use surcharge and inserts extra transactions reflecting those extra charges as needed. You can either run the AWK script manually:

user@example$ mm2datev <mm-data.csv >monkey-data.txt
Detected 2023 website relaunch file format.
Converted 141 transactions to DATEV format.

Or, when using it as part of your own shell script, simply redirect its output to a new file, and ignore stderr:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ...

mm2datev <${infile} >${outfile} 2>/dev/null

The format of the generated data will depend on the format of the input data:

  • When processing historical (i.e. pre-2023) Miles&More CSV data, the generated output will be in the same format as the 2014 input format. To import this into MonKey Office, use the import-miles-and-more-credit-card.txt import definition.

  • When processing current 2023 format Miles&More CSV data, the generated output will be in DATEV ASCII-Weiterverarbeitungsdatei format. To import this into MonKey Office, use the import-datev-ascii-weiterverarbeitungsdatei.txt import definition.

Why the change of output format?

Because I wanted to start using a standardised format, which gives me some interoperability between different accounting tools.

Why the DATEV format?

After a period of experimenting with CAMT.053 XML (which is an ISO standard), my conclusion was that the levels of XML support in the banking and accounting tools relevant to my workflow, were too different to be both robust and practical enough for everyday use. DATEV file formats, on the other hand, are a de-facto standard among tax advisers in the German speaking countries. Consequently, all banking and accounting tools targeting these countries will all but certainly have some built-in support for DATEV format files.

How Do I Install and Use It?

First, create new bank account statement import definitions in MonKey Office:

  1. In MonKey Office, create a new bank account statement import definition called "Miles&More Credit Card". Keep the import definition editor dialogue open.
  2. Copy and paste the contents of the import-miles-and-more-credit-card.txt file into the text editor area of the import definition editor dialogue. Keep it open.
  3. Set the values of the five settings across the top of the import definition editor dialogue according to the comment block at the start of the import-miles-and-more-credit-card.txt file.
  4. Click "Ok" to close the import definition editor dialogue, and save the new import definition.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to create a second new bank account statement import definition called "DATEV ASCII-Weiterverarbeitungsdatei", and this time copying and pasting the contents of the import-datev-ascii-weiterverarbeitungsdatei.txt file.

Now you can call the mm2datev AWK script manually, redirecting stdout to a new file, and then import that new file as a bank account statement in MonKey Office, using the corresponding import definition.

Two 2023 data format caveats:

  • As of this writing, there is no option on the Miles&More credit card website to restrict the period for which transactions will be put in the CSV file. You will always get the full transaction list as displayed in your browser window. To get transactions for a specific period only, you will need to filter the generated data. For instance by using awk to extract all transactions with a transaction date in April 2023 before passing the data to mm2datev:
    user@example$ awk -F";" '$1 ~ /[0-9]{2}\/04\/2023/' mm-data.csv | mm2datev >monkey-data-2023-04.txt
    Detected 2023 website relaunch file format.
    Converted 13 transactions to DATEV format.
  • The DATEV format output is 99.999% compliant with the DATEV ASCII-Weiterverarbeitungsdatei format specification. Where is the missing 0.001%? The DATEV format specification requires that all bank transactions within any given file must be sorted in ascending order by booking date (i.e. oldest entry first). The mm2datev script does not ensure this sorting, however. It will simply generate the transactions in whatever order they appear in the input. To get 100%, you will need to sort the output. For instance:
    user@example$ mm2datev <mm-data.csv >monkey-data.txt
    Detected 2023 website relaunch file format.
    Converted 141 transactions to DATEV format.
    user@example$ sort -n -t ";" -k 6.7,6.10 -k 6.4,6.5 -k 6.1,6.2 -o monkey-data.txt monkey-data.txt

How Do I Contribute?

Fork this project, make some changes and submit a pull request. Check the issues tab for inspiration on what to fix. Please make sure your fork is the latest development version!

If you find any issues or have a feature request please contribute by submitting an issue here on Github!


Auto-generate transactions for foreign use surcharges from Lufthansa Miles&More credit card statements, and import transactions into MonKey Office

License:European Union Public License 1.2


Language:Awk 100.0%