bytnar / shopping_cart

Ruby on Rails plugin with simple Shopping Cart functionality that uses ActiveMerchant for gateway processing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This Ruby on Rails plugin provides simple shopping cart functionality 
that uses with ActiveMerchant for merchant gateway processing.

*Tested with Rails 2.3.3

    ./script/plugin install
    rake shopping_cart:setup
    This will create:
      * A database migration file
      * Views for carts, orders and products
    # You will need to setup the following in routes.rb:
      # Root route is only necessary if you don't already have one setup
      # map.root :controller => 'products', :action => 'index'
      # Remaining routes for shopping cart plugin
      map.resources :products
      map.current_cart 'cart', :controller => 'carts', :action => 'show', :id => 'current'
      map.resources :carts
      map.resources :line_items
      map.resources :orders

    # You will need to setup your merchant gateway credentials (Example provided is for Paypal):
    # (config/development.rb):
    ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test
    ::GATEWAY =
      :login      => "your paypal sandbox login",
      :password   => "your paypal sandbox password",
      :signature  => "your paypal sandbox signature"
    # (config/test.rb):
    config.after_initialize do
      ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test
      ::GATEWAY =
    # (config/production.rb):
    ::GATEWAY =
      :login      => "your paypal login",
      :password   => "your paypal password",
      :signature  => "your paypal signature"
    # You will need to install and configure your gems:
    sudo gem install activemerchant haml highline
    # You will need to restart your web server after editing environment.rb:
    config.gem 'haml'
    config.gem "activemerchant", :lib => "active_merchant", :version => "1.4.1"
    # Optionally, you can populate your products table with a few sample products
    rake shopping_cart:products

Copyright (c) 2009 Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc. released under the MIT license


Ruby on Rails plugin with simple Shopping Cart functionality that uses ActiveMerchant for gateway processing

License:MIT License