byteDJINN / cits3403-group-project

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Nutri Hi-Lo

CITS3403 Group Project - University of Western Australia

Developed by Huxley Berry, Djimon Jayasundera & Chantelle Kerr

Nutri Hi-Lo is an educational game that promotes a greater understanding on nutritional information on everyday foods and challenges the users on their knowledge! Our website takes inspiration from Google's Higher Lower Game.

The game creates a random set of 11 different food choices everyday with a new nutrient for each day of the week. There are 10 rounds everyday and in each round the user is given two foods to choose from and selecting the food with more nutritional value will score a correct answer. Every food nutrient is based on the quantity of 100g.

Nutrient of the day

 Monday: Fat
 Tuesday: Fibre
 Wednesday: Iron
 Thursday: Protein
 Friday: Sodium
 Saturday: Sugar
 Sunday: Calcium


Nutri Hi-Lo is a Flask-based website utilising a RESTful API for communication between the backend and frontend. It uses several extensions that enhance the functionality

  • Flask-sqlalchemy provides communication with the SQLite database
  • Flask-login manages user login and registration
  • Flask-migrate handles database schema changes by performing migrations
  • Unittest used for automated testing of models and API endpoints
  • Selenium automatically tests the client side workflow
  • HTML structures the website
  • Javascript handles DOM manipulation
  • Bootstrap provides the base styling to the website
  • CSS used to create custom styling
  • AJAX used to make requests to the backend

Design and Development


In our initial meeting we discussed ideas on what we wanted to work on, we all decided that we wanted to develop a game that promoted a positive message and we looked for inspiration, where we found Google's Higher Lower Game and agree'd that this would be perfect. We looked into what we wanted to promote including water usage, energy usage, tree consumption, wasted time on activities but concluded that nutritional information would have the most available data.

As part of the agile development process, we broke down out project into iterations, and used GitHub to make the development process more manageable. During development we made sure that we followed the "Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) principle which helped keep our code clean and easy to read. We were in constant communication through Discord and also had fortnightly face-to-face meetings. Throughout the development of our website we made sure that we set tasks to be completed by a certain date so that we would have time to go over last minute fixes and we could deliver the project on time.

Setup Project

Note: For all commands you may need to use python instead of python3

Run the following commands

Clone the Project
git clone

Navigate inside the cits3403-group-project folder

Create Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv venv
Activate Virtual Environment
# Mac / Linux / WSL
source venv/bin/activate

# Windows (command prompt)
Install Dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup Database

Set the revision in the database to the head, without performing any migrations

flask db stamp

Create the database and migrate

flask db migrate

Apply migrations to the database

flask db upgrade

Create An Admin Account

Having an admin account gives you extra functionality within the website!

In your terminal type the following commands!


import the database and user model

from app import db
from app.models import User

Create an admin user

u = User(username="admin", email="", is_admin=True)

Add the user to the database


Now you should be able to login using your admin account!

Run Project

In the terminal type the following command to start the project. It will return a url that will direct you to the projects home page!

flask run

Run Unit Tests

User Tests

Tests multiple user functionality including authorisation and password hashing.

python3 -m unittest app/tests/
Analysis Tests

Tests functionality relating to the storing and retrieving of user results

Note: This will open up twitter in the browser

python3 -m unittest app/tests/
Foods Tests

Tests functionality relating to the generation of foods for the day

python3 -m unittest app/tests/
Selenium Tests

The test opens up FireFox and simulates navigation that a user may take while using our website. You won't need to install the geckodriver as it downloads and installs it from the web.

Please made sure the server is running because we are performing client side testing.

Note: This test will run for ~40 seconds

Warning: This test may not run using WSL

python3 -m unittest app/tests/


Food Database

Food Standards Database


Unsplash iStockPhoto





Language:JavaScript 37.6%Language:Python 37.4%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:CSS 8.7%Language:Mako 0.6%Language:Shell 0.0%