byoso / bin

This are some convenient scripts I made and use through my ~/bin folder. Half of them are in French. See the readme for more details.

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My bin folder

This are some convenient scripts I've made and use through my ~/bin folder, to be accessible in terminal.

As this tools are for my personnal use, many of them are in French, but google could help you to easily translate them in the language you want.

You will find here :

  • battery_check: displays some infos about your laptop battery

  • calc_interets: calculate the income gained from an investment over time

  • convert every archive of the directory to comic format (ex: zip to cbz), and reciprocally.

  • ecran_taille: compare the size of screen desplay (to know exactly the size of a screen before buying it)

  • html_launcher: let you choose some html file (in the folder called 'html') to be launched in your web browser. The interest is to use it for graphical application with vue.js, for now only one app:

    • DIY_eliquide : helps you to calculate your e-liquide dilution.
  • redimentionner_jpeg: useful to resize numerous pictures in a directory, for exemple if you need to send it by email, or have a size restriction to respect. Use option -h to see the synopsis of this.

  • secret_key_generator: useful for creating quickly a key, for django or something else. You can use a number as option to set the length of the key.

  • : quickly creates a server to share ressources on your local network.

Go inside the code and adapt it to your own needs. Feel free to do anything you want with this code, it is very rought, but can be useful.


This are some convenient scripts I made and use through my ~/bin folder. Half of them are in French. See the readme for more details.


Language:Python 65.1%Language:HTML 24.3%Language:Shell 10.6%