bwkeller / pytreegrav

Fast N-body gravitational force and potential in Python

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pytreegrav is a package for computing the gravitational potential and/or field of a set of particles. It includes methods for brute-force direction summation and for the fast, approximate Barnes-Hut treecode method. For the Barnes-Hut method we implement an oct-tree as a numba jitclass to achieve much higher peformance than the equivalent pure Python implementation, without writing a single line of C or Cython.


First let's import the stuff we want and generate some particle positions and masses - these would be your particle data for whatever your problem is.

import numpy as np
from pytreegrav import Accel, Potential
N = 10**5 # number of particles
x = np.random.rand(N,3) # positions randomly sampled in the unit cube
m = np.repeat(1./N,N) # masses - let the system have unit mass
h = np.repeat(0.01,N) # softening radii - these are optional, assumed 0 if not provided to the frontend functions

Now we can use the Accel and Potential functions to compute the gravitational field and potential:

[[-0.1521787   0.2958852  -0.30109005]
 [-0.50678204 -0.37489886 -1.0558666 ]
 [-0.24650087  0.95423467 -0.175074  ]
 [ 0.87868472 -1.28332176 -0.22718531]
 [-0.41962742  0.32372245 -1.31829084]
 [ 2.45127054  0.38292881  0.05820412]]
[-2.35518057 -2.19299372 -2.28494218 ... -2.11783337 -2.1653377

By default, pytreegrav will try to make the optimal choice between brute-force and tree methods for speed, but we can also force it to use one method or another. Let's try both and compare their runtimes:

from time import time
t = time()
# tree gravitational acceleration
accel_tree = Accel(x,m,h,method='tree')
print("Tree accel runtime: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

accel_bruteforce = Accel(x,m,h,method='bruteforce')
print("Brute force accel runtime: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

phi_tree = Potential(x,m,h,method='tree')
print("Tree potential runtime: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

phi_bruteforce = Potential(x,m,h,method='bruteforce')
print("Brute force potential runtime: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()
Tree accel runtime: 0.927745s
Brute force accel runtime: 44.1175s
Tree potential runtime: 0.802386s
Brute force potential runtime: 20.0234s

As you can see, the tree-based methods can be much faster than the brute-force methods, especially for particle counts exceeding 10^4. Here's an example of how much faster the treecode is when run on a Plummer sphere with a variable number of particles, on a single core of an Intel i9 9900k workstation: Benchmark

But there's no free lunch here: the tree methods are approximate. Let's quantify the RMS errors of the stuff we just computed, compared to the exact brute-force solutions:

acc_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum((accel_tree-accel_bruteforce)**2,axis=1))) # RMS force error
print("RMS force error: ", acc_error)
phi_error = np.std(phi_tree - phi_bruteforce)
print("RMS potential error: ", phi_error)
RMS force error:  0.006739311224338851
RMS potential error:  0.0003888328578588027

The above errors are typical for default settings: ~1% force error and ~0.1% potential error. The error in the tree approximation is controlled by the Barnes-Hut opening angle theta, set to 0.7 by default. Smaller theta gives higher accuracy, but also runs slower:

thetas = 0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8 # different thetas to try
for theta in thetas:
    t = time()    
    accel_tree = Accel(x,m,h,method='tree',theta=theta)
    acc_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum((accel_tree-accel_bruteforce)**2,axis=1)))
    print("theta=%g Runtime: %gs RMS force error: %g"%(theta, time()-t, acc_error))
theta=0.1 Runtime: 63.1738s RMS force error: 3.78978e-05
theta=0.2 Runtime: 14.3356s RMS force error: 0.000258755
theta=0.4 Runtime: 2.91292s RMS force error: 0.00148698
theta=0.8 Runtime: 0.724668s RMS force error: 0.0105937

Both brute-force and tree-based calculations can be parallelized across all available logical cores via OpenMP, by specifying parallel=True. This can speed things up considerably, with parallel scaling that will vary with your core and particle number:

from time import time
t = time()
# tree gravitational acceleration
accel_tree = Accel(x,m,h,method='tree',parallel=True)
print("Tree accel runtime in parallel: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

accel_bruteforce = Accel(x,m,h,method='bruteforce',parallel=True)
print("Brute force accel runtime in parallel: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

phi_tree = Potential(x,m,h,method='tree',parallel=True)
print("Tree potential runtime in parallel: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()

phi_bruteforce = Potential(x,m,h,method='bruteforce',parallel=True)
print("Brute force potential runtime in parallel: %gs"%(time() - t)); t = time()
Tree accel runtime in parallel: 0.222271s
Brute force accel runtime in parallel: 7.25576s
Tree potential runtime in parallel: 0.181393s
Brute force potential runtime in parallel: 5.72611s

What if I want to evaluate the fields at different points than where the particles are?

We got you covered. The Target methods do exactly this: you specify separate sets of points for the particle positions and the field evaluation, and everything otherwise works exactly the same (including optional parallelization and choice of solver):

from pytreegrav import AccelTarget, PotentialTarget

# generate a separate set of "target" positions where we want to know the potential and field
N_target = 10**4
x_target = np.random.rand(N_target,3)
h_target = np.repeat(0.01,N_target) # optional "target" softening: this sets a floor on the softening length of all forces/potentials computed

accel_tree = AccelTarget(x_target, x,m, h_target=h_target, h_source=h,method='tree') # we provide the points/masses/softenings we generated before as the "source" particles
accel_bruteforce = AccelTarget(x_target,x,m,h_source=h,method='bruteforce')

acc_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum((accel_tree-accel_bruteforce)**2,axis=1))) # RMS force error
print("RMS force error: ", acc_error)

phi_tree = PotentialTarget(x_target, x,m, h_target=h_target, h_source=h,method='tree') # we provide the points/masses/softenings we generated before as the "source" particles
phi_bruteforce = PotentialTarget(x_target,x,m,h_target=h_target, h_source=h,method='bruteforce')

phi_error = np.std(phi_tree - phi_bruteforce)
print("RMS potential error: ", phi_error)
RMS force error:  0.006719983300560105
RMS potential error:  0.0003873676304955059


Fast N-body gravitational force and potential in Python

License:MIT License


Language:Python 80.4%Language:TeX 19.6%