busyfingers / NJS_MC_HW2

Homework Assignment #2 in the Node JS Master Class

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Homework Assignment #2 in the Node JS Master Class

An API for a pizza-delivery company


This is a JSON API, meaning all responses will be in JSON format and all calls that sends data must send that data in JSON format.

Example of a payload for a GET request to /users

    "email": "some.address@domain.com"

Users can only access their own data, so a valid token that matches their email must be sent when reading or changing any data, except for the menu which is available to all logged in users.

Users can fill a shopping cart with items from the menu. Adding an item with the quantity 0 will remove that item from the cart.

When a user places an order, their shopping cart is emptied and payment is made automatically. The user receive a confirmation email when successfully placing an order - i.e. when the payment was successful. If the payment was unsuccessful, a new attempt can be made by making a PUT request to /orders for that specific order.

The application integrates with the Stripe.com and Mailgun.com APIs for payment and email service respectively. In order for the integrations to work, the application must be started with the necessary environmental parameters provided:

  • STRIPE_APIKEY = The API-key Stripe
  • MAILGUN_APIKEY = The API-key for Mailgun
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN = The domain from which to send the email
  • MAILGUN_FROM = The sender's email address

Note: Certificate and key files are required to make the application run with HTTPS support. They must be placed in the .https folder (created automatically on startup) in the root directory.




Creates a new user.

Required fields: firstName [string], lastName [string], email [string], streetAddress [string], password [string], tosAgreement [boolean] (request payload)


Retrieve data from a user specified by email (except the password)

Required fields: email [string] (request parameter)

A valid token that matches email provided must be provided in the request header


Make changes to a user's information.

Required fields: email [string] (request parameter)

Optional fields: firstName, lastName, streetAddress, password (at least one must be specified)

A valid token that matches email provided must be provided in the request header


Deletes a user and all related objects (cart and orders).

Required fields: email [string] (request parameter)

A valid token that matches email provided must be provided in the request header



Issues and returns a new token for a specified user (valid for 1 hour), i.e. login the user.

Required fields: email [string], password [string] (request payload)


Retrieves a token specified by id.

Required fields: id [string] (request parameter)


Extends an existing token by id. The specified token cannot be expired.

Required fields: id [string], extend [boolean] (request payload)


Deletes a token specified by id.

Required fields: id [string] (request parameter)



Fetches the menu. User needs to be logged in, i.e. must have a valid token.

Required fields: none

A valid token must be provided in the request header



Creates a shopping cart for the specified user

Required fields: email [string] (request payload)

A valid token that matches email provided must be provided in the request header


Retrieves the contents of a cart specified by id.

Required fields: id [string] (request parameter)

A valid token that matches the user who specified cart belongs to must be provided in the request header


Adds or removes items to/from a cart specified by id.

Required fields: id [string], items [object] (request payload)

The items object's key-value pairs are: "item name" [string] and quantity [number]


    "Large Pepperoni pizza": 2

A valid token that matches the user who specified cart belongs to must be provided in the request header



Place an order with the contents of a cart specified by id. When the order is placed, payment will be attempted automatically. If the payment was successful, the user will get a confirmation email.

Required fields: cartId [string] (request payload)

A valid token that matches the user who specified cart belongs to must be provided in the request header


Retrieve an order specified by id.

Required field: id [string]

A valid token that matches the user who specified order belongs to must be provided in the request header


Update the payment status of an order to "Paid" or "Unpaid". Used if the payment was not successful when the order was created. Sends a confirmation email to the user upon successful payment.

Required field: id [string], paymentStatus [string] (request payload)

A valid token that matches the user who specified order belongs to must be provided in the request header


Homework Assignment #2 in the Node JS Master Class


Language:JavaScript 100.0%