BurnSoft (burnsoftnet)


Geek Repo



Home Page:https://www.burnsoft.net

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BurnSoft's repositories


The My Gun Collection (MGC) application was create to help manage your gun collection. The My Gun Collection application was carefully designed to allow you to quickly get details about a specific firearm all with the click of the mouse. With an easy to Use interface - the firearms in your collection are listed on the side of the application sorted by the Name alphabetically. You have the option to view all the firearms in stock, the ones you sold or by all. It has the ability to save data entry time by using an auto suggest feature for common information (Manufactures, Models, stores, caliber, etc.). Print out reports such as: BATFE C&R (Curio and Relic) Bound Book Report, Quick Firearm Inventory Report, Ammunition Inventory Report, and For Sale Flyer. Keep track of the cost and value (both appraised and realized) of your collection. Easy to use Backup and Restore Applications are provided with this application. The Pictures that you provided will also be backed up.

Language:Visual Basic .NETStargazers:4Issues:0Issues:0


The BurnSoft.Testing.Apps.Appium Library was created to help simplify the Appium library functions to help build tests for your applications quick and easy.



Folder Watch is a simple application that will allow you to see what files are changed in the target directory. The Folder Watch class was taken from Martin Hwasser MHWDirectoryWatcher https://github.com/hwaxxer/MHWDirectoryWatcher <br/> <br/> This application was created to help with monitoring the mobile cloud directory while testing an app. Since some of the mobile cloud folders are hidden in Finder, this application allowed me to manually plug in the full path to the cloud container that was pulled from a terminal session to see if the file my app was creating was being updated.



This repo contains the custom back up stages for the Shooting-Soft Pro Target Constructor Simulator @ https://shooting-soft.com/products/pro-target-constructor


The BurnSoft Application Profiler was created to help automate performance and log gathering from applications that you create and use. Most of the time when you create an application, you have to spend time testing it out before sending it to others to test. While you are testing you application you may or may not be concerned on the amount of cpu is being used, the memory usage, handles and threads, even then, there is also if your application dumped anything into the log files. This application will help gather all that information while you are using it normally and dump the information in a database. It is designed to run as a service and look for any of the projects applications running in task manager, once it see’s the process in task manager it will start collection data on the application. When the application ends, it will check to see if there are any logs, dump the results in the database and clear the log file, this way you can just go back and view the sessions to see the performance of the application and the details that where dumped in the log file. Worried about not being able to gather this information when you are using your application while disconnected from the office? Don’t be, the agent will see that it cannot connect to the main database and it will continue on using the local database the dump the data in there, once you are able to connect to the office and the agent can connect to the main database, it will dump the information that is the local database to the main database. UPDATES: 3/8/2017 - Working on Web Interface to read the data. 2/15/2017 - Agent functions are up and running



Web Testing LIbrary using Selenium to test any of the websites, just simplifying the process to to a unit test on your website



Simple Library that can help send error messages from your website to you or your support email about any application exception errors that have occurred in a pretty HTML report



The DataGridViewAutoFilter project is a custom grid control that will allow you to setup fields to filter by in your winforms application.

Language:Visual Basic .NETLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:2Issues:0


Arduino Project to monitor PH and Temperature as well as outside temperature. This project is put together from other Arduino Projects as well as some custom stuff that was lacking in the other projects.



The File miner application will allow you to select a Drive or Folder and search all files ( or selected file extensions ) for certain keywords and display it in the results window. A handy tool if you have to search every file on a computer or file share for key documents or files that contain any of the key word(s) in the search group. This application can be used for the regular person that needs to look for a document, or a security analyst that needs to gather and search information from a machine or server.

Language:Visual Basic .NETLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


Main LIbrary for the My Gun Collection Application containing a majority of the functions to interacti with the database



The Main Library for the My Loader Application that handles a majority of the work that is required by the my loaders log application



General Functions to Connect to different types of databases along with the ability to run SQL commands and return data.



Simple class to quickly send an email through your website or application. Pass your information to the function with your normal information and any attachments that you want to send. This is a simple Class of code, but something that is commonly used.



The BurnSoft Message Box Control was created to allow long messages to be

Language:Visual Basic .NETStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:7


The **SecureShell** class is a generic class using the Renci SshNet ( SSH.NET.2016.0.0 ) NuGet package. This simplifies the Renci's Process of connecting to a device using ssh, uploading and downloading files using scp.



BurnSoft.Security.RegularEncryption simplifies some of the other encryption options from System.Security.Cryptography To make quick and easy calls to encrypt and decrypt information



The BurnSoft Universal is a library with a variety of subs and Functions to help simplify application and reduce the need to copy and paste code. It’s more our Swiss Army Knife Library.

Language:Visual Basic .NETLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:16


The BurnSoftDBBackup is the Main make up program that I use to copy the database from the local drive to the selected destination. This program is commonly used in the My Loaders Log and My Gun Collection application.

Language:Visual Basic .NETLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


The BurnSoftDBRestore is the Main make up program that I use to copy the database from the selected drive to it's local destination. This program is commonly used in the My Loaders Log and My Gun Collection application.

Language:Visual Basic .NETLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


General Profile for burnsoft/ Joe M. and public projects and things for sale, besides his soul.



A variety of subs and function used for iOS or OS X application that were commonly used. Same as the BurnSoftUniversal Library but in a framework format with unit tests, and the ability to setup as a swift package, which will replace the swift repo.



You can also use the science of numbers to determine your destiny, or life goal, according to your given birth name: First, Middle and last. However, if you have rejected your birth name in favor of another name, both names should be considered as forces that shape you and your life.



Home ridge plug-in attempt to work with the Arduino poll monitor



Stages for iMarksman Action Steel Simulator - https://shop.imarksman.com/products/sport



Repo to share the Laser Ammo Competitive Shooter Pro Stages that I have Created To Share with the public



The My Essential Oil Remedies iOS application was created to help store your essential oils and Remedies. It will allow you to save oils details of oils that you have and don’t have, when you are viewing the oil lists, the ones that you have in stock will show up green. If you are one that uses essential oils regular in your life, you have the option of carrying a book around to reference too if you find yourself looking for a remedy for your itchy throat, sore muscles, etc. The remedy section of this application will allow you to type in the description for the remedy, the single oils that help with it, and a section that will allow you to put in how to use the oils or how to make blends that help with that particular ailment.



My gun collection GitHub is site details



he My Loaders Log (MLL) application was created to help get rid of all the paper work of different logs in a binder and having to look through a collection of reloading manuals to just to find how much powder was used of a certain kind of powder for a certain kind of bullet. With reloading, once you find your groove, the entire process doesn’t take that long as compared to when you first started, why shouldn’t it be the same for looking up information? The My Loaders Log (MLL) was created to help keep track of my configurations and the configurations from the reloading manuals that I use, along with the inventory my reloading equipment, primers, bullets, powder and cases that I had in stock or was out of. Since it will store all this information plus the configuration that you used to make a certain kind of ammunition, it will also tell you how many you can make and how much it costs to make based on your inventory. Even if you just wanted this to store your loaders log and not your inventory, it can do that as well.

Language:Visual Basic .NETStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:20


The My NRA Rifle Match Score Sheet was created to allow you to keep track of your own results to see if you have been making any progress or if you just had an off day. Depending on how the match is ran, you might be taking score as it happens from a distance or you might have to walk out to your target and write down your results. This will also calculate your score per course of fire, and the ending total of the match. For me, by seeing the list of previous matches and the totals helps be determine if I am improving or not, hopefully this app will help you too!
