This addons originaly born while I was working on Efecto Mariposa and I need to do fast GPU image processing throught GLSL Shaders. Basically they are well-known algorithms re-writed on GLSL version 120 for ARB rectangular textures. They could be optimized A LOT so feel free to collaborate or add more of them.
Each ofxFX class have a fragment, vertex o geometry Shader embebed on it´s code. So you don´t need to add any kind of .frag , .vert or .geom on your /data forlder
The implementation of each ofxFX class it´s consistent with each other. All of them are extensions of ofxFXObject
All of them need to be allocated first in order to
All of them have a ofxFbo style. So you can draw or render directly inside of them. Allowing you to easyly interact with them
Watch some of this classes in action [HERE](
![ofxFlocking]( ![ofxFluid]( ![ofxGlow]( ![ofxGrayScott]( ![ofxWater](