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Ionic SvelteKit Demo


A showcase app for all Ionic UI elements. Supercharged by SvelteKit

With handy tool to see the actual code in all popular frameworks - Svelte, Vue, React, Stencil, VanillaJS and even Angular!

Download as PWA

Click the PWA Launch button to see this app live in action - and install as PWA on your desktop or mobile!

All Contributors PRs Welcome MIT license Forks Forks Forks


A showcase app for all Ionic UI elements - up to Ionic 6!!! Use this app to try-out the elements you like for your app, and then navigate directly to the API docs or the source code.

Published as web app: https://ionicsvelte.firebaseapp.com

Open developer tools to see developer info in the console.log

Design objectives

  • Use all Ionic 6 UI elements
  • Integration with SvelteKit as framework (n.b. only SPA mode works, SSR won't fly with Ionic)
  • Ease PWA configuration with good documentation - using zero-config Vite (https://vite-plugin-pwa.netlify.app/)
  • Deployable as PWA
  • File based router (using SvelteKit's router)
  • aligned as much as possible to the Ionic documentation for other integrations
  • supporting other framework developers through source-code viewing

As far as I can see now, the current new version is getting there pretty close!

The original Svelte-Vite-Routify repo will continue to exist as separate branch (ViteSvelteIonic6) once the migration is completed. But I don't think I will upgrade that one anymore.

Hint: try responsive design of the app and ionic UI magic by using various devices or the Chrome developer view: iOS, Android's material design and fullscreen desktop responsiveness guaranteed!


Intro Component menu Sourcecode
IonicSvelte IonicSvelte IonicSvelte
Progress bar Icons PWA IOS install
IonicSvelte IonicSvelte IonicSvelte

More screens: https://ionicsvelte.firebaseapp.com

How to get started - NPM package ionic-svelte

Start a new SvelteKit project (or Svelte with Vite, even though I prefer Kit)

npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app
npm install

We need adapter static, because Ionic pages must run as SPA.

adapter: adapter({
			pages: 'build',
			assets: 'build',
			fallback: 'index.html',
			precompress: false
  • Pages that use Ionic must be a SPA - so these routes need to have ssr disabled in their layout files. Kit example: src/routes/+layout.ts and add export const ssr = false;

Integration of Ionic

<script lang="ts">
	import { setupIonicSvelte } from 'ionic-svelte';

	/* Theme variables */
	import '../theme/variables.css';


	Hi there <ion-button>test</ion-button>

If you get a 500 internal error-error then likely SSR is not disabled. Making a SvelteKit app a real SPA really requires two steps - adapter static and ssr=false

Starterfiles on github: https://github.com/Tommertom/svelte-ionic-npm/tree/main/starterfiles Use these files as reference to see how to do the final steps integrating Ionic in your svelte project.

Code for NPM library - https://github.com/Tommertom/svelte-ionic-npm

Ionic-svelte on NPMjs- https://www.npmjs.com/package/ionic-svelte

How to use components

Well there are two ways, the kebab way and the pascal way....

The kebab way is the current default:

Here content

setupIonicSvelte - will register all these Ionic components as webcomponents so you can use them easily. But, there is a trade-off - no tree shaking (unless you change setupIonicSvelte a bit), no type-safety and no intellisence.

So here is pascal to the rescue (requiring npm i ionic-svelte)

import {IonCard} from 'ionic-svelte/experimental';

Here content

And then you need to import setupIonicSvelte from 'ionic-svelte/experimental'. Then no components are registered during setup, and the bundle gets more optimised. As the wording says - this is experimental, there is some testing needed. But most of the components should work.

Would you like to migrate an existing kebab-page to a pascal-page, look into the scripts folder. There is migrateToImport.js which you can run using node migrateToImport <directoryname>. It will scan for .svelte files, and does the migration for you. A backup will be makde from your svelte file -> named .bak.

Special components

There are three special compontents included that override/fix the ionic standard webcomponents:

  • IonTabs - fixing some default selected tabs as well as fixing compatibility with the router
  • IonPage - wrapping the page and providing the ion-lifecycle hooks. And implementing a basic animation
  • IonBackButton - a rudimentary fix to the IonBackButton

To be imported from the package: import IonTab from 'ionic-svelte/components/IonTabs.svelte';';

Moving to native Svelte components

In order to support tree shaking, type-safety and auto-completion, I started creating svelte-wrappers. These are experimental. So moving from <ion-button>A great button</ion-button> to

import { IonButton } from 'ionic-svelte/experimental/components/IonButton.svelte';
<IonButton>A great button</IonButton>

Experimental also has version of setupIonicSvelte.

So if you want to use this, change imports from ... from 'ionic-svelte to ... from 'ionic-svelte/experimental

How to get started - Ionic starters

If you want to get started with Ionic, Svelte and Vite, just use one of the starters:


When using the online playground - make sure you pop-out the render window to see the demo in full size.

Would you like to start any of the above in your favorite framework (React, Vue or Angular), just use the Ionic CLI to start the app: ionic start --type=angular|vue|react. Ionic CLI is easy to install: npm i -g @ionic/cli. https://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/commands/start.

Or clone the repo of the full-demo-app to play with its code:

npx degit Tommertom/svelte-ionic-app svelte-ionic-app
cd svelte-ionic-app
npm i
npm run dev

PWA Interface - easing the PWA work in your app

To help you managing state of the service worker and the various events, a simple svelte store is provided for (lib/pwa.ts). This store wraps the various events of the service worker in a readable store and a number of derived stores so you can easily listen to various events.

The following derived stores are implemented:

  • needRefresh:boolean telling you if there is an update available
  • updateObject:undefined|UpdateObject. When UpdateObject is provided, you can call its updateSWObject() method to update the app
  • offlineReady:boolean telling you all offline assets have been loaded
  • registerError:any - the error message when the registration of the service worker failed
  • registration:undefined|ServiceWorkerRegistration - the service worker registration object - when succesfull
  • beforeInstallPrompt - undefined|BeforeInstallPromptEvent - which you can use to fire the .prompt() method to invoke the install prompt. N.B. this needs to happen right after an userevent (like button press)!

All these props are also available via the pwaStatusStream readable store.

Vite has its own svelte version for integration - https://vite-plugin-pwa.netlify.app/frameworks/svelte.html

And I have opted to create my own version and deviate from the SvelteKit generation routine as documented in Vite. I think the PWA part in SvelteKit and Vite may need a bit of better understanding on my end (or better documentation on their end?) - at least, the PWA implementation and generation works on this end - as far as I can see.

How to contribute?

Would you like to contribute to this project? Great!

What is there to do

  • EASY - fix typos (also great for your Github online profile - there are many), add examples for components
  • MEDIUM - fix some minor bugs ( e.g. SvelteSpring), improve layout of pages (e.g. SvelteTransition)
  • HARD - look at the open issues below

When you do a PR, make sure you explain what you did and why!

How I got started with this rebuild: the basic steps performed

In pseudo code - this is what I did

Start a new SvelteKit project

npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app
npm install

Make it a SPA:

adapter: adapter({
			pages: 'build',
			assets: 'build',
			fallback: 'index.html',
			precompress: false
  • By default no ssr as it is a SPA - create file src/routes/+layout.ts and add export const ssr = false;

Configuring Svelte workspace to my liking

  • added '$ionic': 'src/lib/ionic' alias to svelte.config.js

PWA steps: Follow the documentation on vite-plugin-pwa.netlify.app!!

  • install Vite PWA, and config in vite.config.ts
  • Copy stuff in index.html, related to PWA
  • <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest">
  • Config manifest (via pwa-configuration.ts - linked via vite.config.ts)
  • I copied a dummy manifest file in src to get rid of error in dev-mode (hacky?) The SvelteKit framework instruction did not work for me. I decided to configure VitePWA to output to build instead of .sveltekit folder, so the generated serviceworker is available for upload. So from thereon, it works pretty nicely (maybe I am wrong?)

Integration Ionic

  • npm i @ionic/core
  • copy ionic/svelte code into lib
  • add integration in +layout.svelte

Migration from Vite Svelte Ionic project:

  • run npx svelte-migrate routes (for migration purpose only)
  • modifications needed in various imports (lib path change)
  • IonPage routify change to pagehook of SvelteKit
  • Menu needs to have static list of components - no generated list
  • Created slug navigation, using +page.ts and load function for tabs

Then...... As of this step, the hard work started. Getting all UI components working, aligning with the Ionic documentation...

Much has been realised and the issue list shows the hard stuff getting the integration almost completely aligned with the docs (or some stuff working at all).

But, the highlights for now:

  • This project has all Ionic related stuff in a lib structure - so easy to drop in your own project
  • Ionic lifecycle hooks implemented - see Page.svelte and Note.svelte (and IonPage.svelte) - also in onMount/onDestroy style
  • modal and popover controllers work via inline and programmatically - was quite a search to get this done!!
  • other controllers work perfectly - menu has a minor workaround
  • shows source code for all documented APIs - Vue, Angular, Javascript and Stencil. Next to Svelte!!


REPLS available - https://github.com/Tommertom/svelte-ionic-app/blob/main/REPLS.md These are Ionic 4 components only.


  • Get many to test and use SvelteKit and Ionic :)
  • Ionic 6.2 and Ionic 6.3
  • put const createHTMLCompFromSvelte = ( from NavHome into $ionic/svelte

Issues - help needed/workaround provided

  • IonTabs and IonPage have their own implementation only accessible as Svelte component, not web component. Need to figure out how to wrap them into a webcomponent, without loosing animation stuff. Webcomponent of ion-page gives known issue on transition (https://github.com/Auroratide/svelte-custom-element-transitions). So no webcomponent of ion-page available for now. IonPage does seem to work nicely though. Later I might try wrapping the ion-nav in other element and see if that makes the animation go?

  • Ion Back Button - does not show nor work - rebuild using https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-framework/blob/main/core/src/components/back-button/back-button.tsx - you can also make your own and do a history.back?

  • IonTabs needs to manually call the select method of ion-tabs to ensure the selectedTab prop is really acted upon. Issue known: ionic-team/ionic-framework#20060. Gives a brief undesireable view on the wrong tab. Might need to look into the angular/react/vue way as these packages don't have this issue. Probably tabs is wired up in the router.

  • Gestures: Need a timeout to get proper style value even though I am using onMount??

  • Ion Footer in Modal looks not ok - need to test in inline modal as well.

  • bind:value does not seem to work on input and other form elements, so a click handler is needed - which is cumbersome - sveltejs/svelte#892 - so probably not solvable without support by Ionic or Svelte - or we need to create wrappers for all elements - which is quite some work and you will be required to manually import all elements you use per page (like with Vue and React) - which seems a drag to me?

Please note - if you use a library such as https://svelte-forms-lib-sapper-docs.vercel.app/introduction together with Yup schemas https://github.com/jquense/yup, the bind:value-issue actually becomes less relevant as you will have the library handle the events and you will use the observables to manage validation and final values to use for further processing. See https://blog.logrocket.com/form-validation-in-svelte/ for nice examples.

  • Some styles are unused - related to md and ios options for webcomponents? Or need to be discarded. Probably issue with webcomponents and the nature of Ionic being sensitive to md or ios style (as part of its config)

  • Add IonPage, IonTabs and IonBackButton are not part of the default export - these are svelte components, so index.ts cannot handle these (?)

  • Ion Icons implementation will not support md and ios specific icons etc (yet) - name prop does not function - also happening in Vue/React.Similar icon issues arise with other component that can digest custom icons (to check) - solution could be to make a svelte IonIcon component, but that will likely import all icons in a non-tree-shakable way?

  • Adding custom class to Modal/Popover does not work (using controller) - using inline Modal/Popover is probably better anyway

  • In some cases IonPage clips the content enclosed - then you need to remove main tags in IonPage

  • Routerlink, href and similar props on components like ion-item do not work properly, but I wonder if support is needed

  • Menucontroller does not see the menu by default - you need to register the menu item manually - extra function added to help you with that (registerMenu(menu-id:string)) - <ion-menu {side} content-id="main" menu-id="mainmenu">see Menu.svelte with working example

  • Nav component - works nicely, but implementation might be dirty (leaking DOM elements?). ion-nav-link not implemented.

  • ItemSliding sometimes does not catch the gesture

  • Many "File not found errors" on css.map files. I frankly don't really mind these. Maybe it is easy to get rid of these, but for now, I leave it.

Things to do maybe one day...

  • dark mode selector

Things not being implemented

ion-router-link, ion-router,ion-route, ion-route-redirect and ion-router-outlet - these are imho obsolete because of usage of the router in this project. But tell me if I am wrong here!

ion-nav-link - not sure why not, but haven't used it yet in a project. Maybe my bad. What do you think?


Logo by Brett Peary: https://brettpeary.com/

Ionic UI code: https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-docs/tree/main/static/demos/api

README inspiration: https://github.com/gitpoint/git-point/blob/master/README.md

PWA logo: https://github.com/webmaxru/progressive-web-apps-logo

Borat logo: https://sapper.svelte.dev/

Raymondboswel's repo: https://github.com/raymondboswel/ionic-svelte-example


License:MIT License


Language:Svelte 45.9%Language:TypeScript 43.2%Language:CSS 8.0%Language:Shell 1.5%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:JavaScript 0.5%