This is the quasardb API for .NET.
Here is a quick intro, please review the official documentation for more detail.
Connecting to a cluster:
var cluster = new QdbCluster("qdb://");
Insert and retrieve binary data:
cluster.Blob("my blob").Put(myByteArray);
var myByteArray = cluster.Blob("my blob").Get();
Push and pop from a queue:
cluster.Deque("my double-ended queue").PushBack(myByteArray);
myByteArray = cluster.Deque("my double-ended queue").PopFront();
Create and update an atomic integer:
cluster.Integer("my counter").Put(1934);
cluster.Integer("my counter").Add(22);
Got to the official documentation
Download the following files to your local copy of the repository:
from qdb-X.X.X-linux-64bit-c-api.zipQuasardb\win32\qdb_api.dll
from qdb-X.X.X-windows-32bit-c-api.zipQuasardb\win64\qdb_api.dll
Open the solution Quasardb.sln
in Visual Studio.
Start quasardb using scripts/tests/setup/