burbas / ErlDB

ORM implementation in Erlang

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ORM (Object-relational mapping) application implemented in Erlang.

Model files

Check 'testmodel.model' in the examples/ directory


A model is a description of how your data looks like in the database and is stored within a text-file, one model per file. Here's an example:

 name: blog_entry
 backend: production()

    id :: primary_key(auto_increment)
    title :: string(max_length = 255, index)
    author :: one_to_one(user.id)
    tags :: one_to_many(tags.id)
    created :: datetime()
    text :: string()

First of all we define the name of the model, in this case it's 'blog_entry'. Then we say that this model uses the 'production'-backend (We'll talk more about this under 'Configuration') with no additional arguments. Then we have the field-defintions. A field is composed of three different things; name, type and arguments. We have looked a great deal on how Django have done, and hopefully we'll be able to map their model types.


If you are using rebar (And of course you are) you should put your settings within the env-row of your erl_db.app.src-file. Here is an example of how this might look like:

   {application, erl_db,
       {env, [{db_pools, [
                          {production, %% The name we're using in our models
                           erl_db_ets, %% The backend module
                           [{size, 5}, {max_overflow, 10}], %% How many workers we start / can overflow with
                           []} %% Additional arguments to the backend module

In our example we've defined a backend which we call 'production' and is using the 'erl_db_ets'-module as backend. We have also defined a size of 5 and an overflow of 10. This means that when we start erl_db, 5 workers will be spawned, and if we can spawn an additional of 10 workers if the initial 5 gets to busy. The size and overflow arguments are specific to poolboy. The fourth argument is parameters that will be sent to the backend-module on start.

#Compilation of modules





ORM implementation in Erlang


Language:Erlang 100.0%