bunchc / GPi-RetroPie_Setup

Steps to customize RetroPie for the GPi Case

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

RetroPie Setup for GPi Case

These steps assume you have built the case already.

  1. Download and flash RetroPie onto SD Card.

  2. Leave SD Card mounted, then copy over config.txt from this repo.

  3. Download the GPi-Case drivers, copy the overlays into overlays/ on the SD card.

  4. (Optional) Enable SSH: Create an empty file called ssh on the root of the SD card

  5. (Optional) Enable Wifi: Create a wpa_supplicant.conf file on the root of the SD card.

    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
        psk="<WiFi Password>"
  6. Eject the SD card from host

  7. Insert SD card into GPi and boot the first time. This first boot will take a couple of minutes and is needed to expand the filesystem to support the roms.

  8. After the first boot, copy roms to the unit.

    rsync -Hav --progress --recursive roms/ pi@retropie.localdomain:/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/
  9. (Optional) SSH into the unit and configure safe shutdown.

  10. (Optional) SSH into the unit and customize the startup splash screen & other things.


Steps to customize RetroPie for the GPi Case