bukosabino / ta

Technical Analysis Library using Pandas and Numpy

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add_all_ta_features not installing due to bug on OnBalanceVolumeIndicator

Zman67 opened this issue · comments

ta_all_indicators_df = ta.add_all_ta_features(ohlc[["open","high","low","close","volume"]], open="open", high="high",
low="low", close="close", volume="volume", fillna=True)

  • No NaNs or any other problems in the data
  • Python version 3.10.13 (latest by conda)
  • ta 0.11.0


File ~/anaconda3/envs/bayes5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ta/wrapper.py:96, in add_volume_ta(df, high, low, close, volume, fillna, colprefix, vectorized)
91 df[f"{colprefix}volume_adi"] = AccDistIndexIndicator(
92 high=df[high], low=df[low], close=df[close], volume=df[volume], fillna=fillna
93 ).acc_dist_index()
95 # On Balance Volume
---> 96 df[f"{colprefix}volume_obv"] = OnBalanceVolumeIndicator(
97 close=df[close], volume=df[volume], fillna=fillna
98 ).on_balance_volume()
100 # Chaikin Money Flow
101 df[f"{colprefix}volume_cmf"] = ChaikinMoneyFlowIndicator(
102 high=df[high], low=df[low], close=df[close], volume=df[volume], fillna=fillna
103 ).chaikin_money_flow()

File ~/anaconda3/envs/bayes5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ta/volume.py:83, in OnBalanceVolumeIndicator.init(self, close, volume, fillna)
81 self._volume = volume
82 self._fillna = fillna
---> 83 self._run()

File ~/anaconda3/envs/bayes5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ta/volume.py:86, in OnBalanceVolumeIndicator._run(self)
85 def _run(self):
---> 86 obv = np.where(self._close < self._close.shift(1), -self._volume, self._volume)
87 self._obv = pd.Series(obv, index=self._close.index).cumsum()

File missing.pyx:392, in pandas._libs.missing.NAType.bool()

TypeError: boolean value of NA is ambiguous