buildkite / test-collector-javascript

Buildkite Test Analytics collectors for JavaScript test frameworks

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Buildkite Collectors for JavaScript

Official Buildkite Test Analytics collectors for JavaScript test frameworks ✨

βš’ Supported test frameworks: Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, Cypress, Playwright, and more coming soon.

πŸ“¦ Supported CI systems: Buildkite, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, and others via the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_* environment variables.

πŸ‘‰ Installing

  1. Create a test suite, and copy the API token that it gives you.

  2. Add the buildkite-test-collector package:

    # If you use npm:
    npm install --save-dev buildkite-test-collector
    # or, if you use yarn:
    yarn add --dev buildkite-test-collector
  3. Add the Buildkite test collector to your testing framework:


    Update your Jest configuration:

    // jest.config.js
    // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporters: [
    // Enable column + line capture for Test Analytics
    testLocationInResults: true

    If you would like to pass in the API token using a custom environment variable, you can do so using the report options.

    // jest.config.js
    // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporters: [
        { token: process.env.CUSTOM_ENV_VAR },


    Add the Buildkite reporter to Jasmine:

    // SpecHelper.js
    var BuildkiteReporter = require("buildkite-test-collector/jasmine/reporter");
    var buildkiteReporter = new BuildkiteReporter();

    If you would like to pass in the API token using a custom environment variable, you can do so using the report options.

    // SpecHelper.js
    var buildkiteReporter = new BuildkiteReporter(undefined, {
      token: process.env.CUSTOM_ENV_VAR,


    Install mocha-multi-reporters in your project:

    npm install mocha-multi-reporters --save-dev

    and configure it to run your desired reporter and the Buildkite reporter

    // config.json
      "reporterEnabled": "spec, buildkite-test-collector/mocha/reporter"

    Now update your test script to use the buildkite reporter via mocha-multi-reporters:

      // package.json
      "scripts": {
        "test": "mocha --reporter mocha-multi-reporters --reporter-options configFile=config.json"

    If you would like to pass in the API token using a custom environment variable, you can do so using the report options.

    Since the reporter options are passed in as a json file, we ask you to put the environment variable name as a string value in the config.json, which will be retrieved using dotenv in the mocha reporter.

    // config.json
      "reporterEnabled": "spec, buildkite-test-collector/mocha/reporter",
      "buildkiteTestCollectorMochaReporterReporterOptions": {
        "token_name": "CUSTOM_ENV_VAR_NAME"


    Update your Playwright configuration:

    // playwright.config.js
    // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporter: [

    If you would like to pass in the API token using a custom environment variable, you can do so using the report options.

    // jest.config.js
    // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporter: [
      ['buildkite-test-collector/playwright/reporter', { token: process.env.CUSTOM_ENV_VAR },]


    Update your Cypress configuration:

     // cypress.config.js
     // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporter: "buildkite-test-collector/cypress/reporter",

    If you would like to pass in the API token using a custom environment variable, you can do so using the reporterOptions.

    // cypress.config.js
    // Send results to Test Analytics
    reporterOptions: {
     token_name: "CUSTOM_ENV_VAR_NAME"
  4. Run your tests locally:

    env BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN=xyz npm test
  5. Add the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN secret to your CI, push your changes to a branch, and open a pull request πŸŽ‰

    git checkout -b add-bk-test-analytics
    git commit -am "Add Buildkite Test Analytics"
    git push origin add-bk-test-analytics

πŸ““ Notes

This jest collector uses the onRunComplete hook to report test results to the Buildkite API. This interferes with the --forceExit CLI option and interrupts the request that sends tests results, meaning that no data will be available for your test suite. It's recommended to use --detectOpenHandles to find any hanging process and clean them up and remove the use of --forceExit.

πŸ” Debugging

To enable debugging output, set the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_DEBUG_ENABLED environment variable to true.

πŸ”œ Roadmap

See the GitHub 'enhancement' issues for planned features. Pull requests are always welcome, and we’ll give you feedback and guidance if you choose to contribute πŸ’š

βš’ Developing

After cloning the repository, install the dependencies:

npm install

And run the tests:

npm test

Useful resources for developing collectors include the Buildkite Test Analytics docs and the RSpec and Minitest collectors.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

πŸš€ Releasing

# Version bump the code, tag and push
npm version [major/minor/patch]
git push && git push --tags

# Publish to the NPM registry
npm publish

# Create a new GitHub release
open ""

πŸ“œ License

The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Buildkite Test Analytics collectors for JavaScript test frameworks

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%