bugtender / bitmap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bitmap editor

Bitmaps are represented as an M x N matrix of pixels with each element representing a colour. Ref


  • ruby 2.3.4
  • rspec gem as the tests framework.
  • rubocop gem as codeing style guide.

>bin/bitmap_editor examples/show.txt


  I N M - Create a new M x N image with all pixels coloured white (O).
  C - Clears the table, setting all pixels to white (O).
  L X Y C - Colours the pixel (X,Y) with colour C.
  V X Y1 Y2 C - Draw a vertical segment of colour C in column X between rows Y1 and Y2 (inclusive).
  H X1 X2 Y C - Draw a horizontal segment of colour C in row Y between columns X1 and X2 (inclusive).
  S - Show the contents of the current image


  $ bundle exec rspec



Language:Ruby 100.0%