bugremover / LinkedList

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Certainly! Here's the updated README file with detailed explanations:

Linked List Example in C++


This repository contains a simple example of a linked list implemented in C++. The code defines a linked list structure, creates a linked list with a few nodes, and then traverses and displays the elements.

Code Structure

1. main.cpp

The main.cpp file contains the main code for creating, populating, and traversing the linked list. Let's break down each section:

Node Structure Definition

struct node {
    int val;
    struct node* ptr;
  • This defines a simple structure named node with two members: an integer val representing the value of the node, and a pointer ptr pointing to the next node in the linked list.

Display Function

void display(struct node* h) {
    while (h != NULL) {
        cout << h->val << "->";
        h = h->ptr;
    cout << "NULL" << endl;
  • The display function takes a pointer to the head of the linked list as an argument and traverses the list, printing each node's value followed by an arrow (->). It terminates by printing "NULL" when the end of the list is reached.

Main Function

int main() {
    struct node n1, n2, n3, n4;
    struct node* head, * temp;

    // Initializing nodes with values
    n1.val = 10;
    n1.ptr = NULL;
    n2.val = 20;
    n2.ptr = NULL;
    n3.val = 30;
    n3.ptr = NULL;
    n4.val = 40;
    n4.ptr = NULL;

    // Connecting nodes to form a linked list
    n1.ptr = &n2;
    n2.ptr = &n4;
    n4.ptr = &n3;
    n3.ptr = NULL;

    // Setting the starting point of traversal
    temp = &n1;
    head = temp;

    // Displaying the linked list

    return 0;
  • Nodes n1, n2, n3, and n4 are created, each initialized with a value and a NULL pointer.
  • The nodes are connected to form a linked list. n1 points to n2, n2 points to n4, n4 points to n3, and n3 points to NULL.
  • The temp and head pointers are set to the head of the linked list (n1).
  • The display function is called with the temp pointer, resulting in the traversal and printing of the linked list.



Make sure you have a C++ compiler installed on your system.

Running the Code

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/bugremover/LinkedList.git
  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd LinkedList
  3. Compile and run the program:

    g++ main.cpp -o LinkedList

You should see the output:



This example provides a basic understanding of creating and traversing a linked list in C++. Feel free to modify the code or experiment with different linked list configurations.

Feel free to customize this README based on your specific use case or add more sections as needed.



Language:C++ 100.0%