bugbiteme / ServiceMeshDemo

Service Mesh Demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Service Mesh Demo

create Infra

oc apply -k ./infra

create controlplane

oc new-project istio-system oc new-project toolkit

oc apply -f ./control-plane

create application

oc apply -f ./application

create traffic pattern

oc apply -f ./TrafficPattern

Test External Traffic If OpenshiftRoute Disabled for Gateways in Control Plane

curl http://istio-ingressgateway-istio-system.apps.cluster-2z7g7.dynamic.redhatworkshops.io/main-page

Test with external traffic If OpenshiftRoute Enabled for Gateways in Control Plane

curl http://toolkit-toolkit-gateway-1-684888c0ebb17f37-istio-system.apps.cluster-2z7g7.dynamic.redhatworkshops.io/main-page

do the same with GatewayInjection

    oc apply -f ./GatewayInjection/gatewayInjection.yaml
    oc apply -f ./GatewayInjection/traffic-pattern.yaml

Test with external traffic If OpenshiftRoute Enabled for Gateways in Control Plane

curl http://toolkit.apps.cluster-2z7g7.dynamic.redhatworkshops.io/main-page


Service Mesh Demo