budjb / config-store

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The config-store application is a standard Grails 3 application that can be run from the command line with a minimum of configuration. This document will help you get the application up and running quickly.


The application is fairly standalone, and only requires a server to run the application, JDK 8, and by default a MySQL database server. The database server software can be easily changed based on the configuration file.


Once the source code is checked out from GitHub, run the following command to build the application.

./gradlew assemble

This will generate a .war file under build/libs. Place this file wherever the application will reside on the application server.


The configuration file for this application only needs the configuration values for the database, Identity, and an encryption password. The following template can be used as a starting point.

    "database.url": "valid JDBC connection string",
    "database.username": "database username",
    "database.password": "database password",
    "identity.url": "URL to Global Auth/Identity",
    "identity.accounts.vdo.username":"administrator Global Auth/Identity username",
    "identity.accounts.vdo.password":"administrator Global Auth/Identity password",
    "config-store.crypto.password":"strong password"

Place this file somewhere on the filesystem that is accessible by the application. Its full path must be provided to the application when it is run, as described below.

By default, a MySQL database server is required. To use a different platform, changes to the application's application.gaml file need to be made to account for the different Hibernate diablect.


The application is meant to be run using only the Java interpreter, and not using a servlet container like Tomcat. The application has an embedded Tomcat servlet container to simplify deployment.

To run the application, the following command line can be used as a starting point.

JSON_DICTIONARY_PATH=/path/to/config/file java -Dgrails.env=prod -jar filename.war -server Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

This will start the application, binding it to port 8080. Standard Java command line options can be used to tweak the runtime parameters of the JVM or the application.



Language:Groovy 100.0%