btray77 / adscraper-old

A web crawler for scraping online ad content

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adscraper: A Web Crawler for Measuring Online Ad Content

adscraper is a tool for scraping online ads. Given a website (or a list of websites), it opens the website in a Chromium browser, and takes a screenshot and saves the HTML content of each ad on the page.


  • The adscraper crawler is a Node.js script that uses the puppeteer library to automatically browse and collect ad data. You can use the crawler via the command line to crawl a single site, or you can use it as part of your own Node.JS script.

  • The adscraper crawl-coordinator is a script for crawling a list of websites, using a pool of parallel crawlers, in isolated Docker containers. Each crawler and browser instance, for each website, uses a new Docker container, meaning that each site is crawled with a "fresh" profile, with no cookies, application storage, or history. You can also connect crawl-coordinator to a Wireguard-based VPN, to tunnel crawls through a different IP address in a different location.

Research using adscraper

adscraper has been used to conduct research measuring and auditing the online ads ecosystem. You can read about some of the projects that used adscraper below:

Warning: Research Code!

adscraper is not yet production quality code - most of this was written for our specific research projects, and may not work for your specific use case, and may contain various bugs and defects.

If you are running into issues with the code or documentation, please let us know by filing an issue or asking a question in the discussions. I will also accept pull requests for fixing bugs, doc bugs, or making the project more generally usable and configurable.


To run adscraper, you must have the following software installed:

  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker (for isolated/parallel crawls via crawl-coordinator)


This section will help you install and configure adscraper. For our initial release, adscraper will be a Node.js script that you run directly out of the repository, but in the future, we may refactor it into a library that you can use in your own project.

First, clone this repository.

git clone <url>

Second, install Typescript globally via npm. This is not strictly necessary but can be helpful for development/writing your own scripts based on adscraper.

npm install -g typescript

Further setup and installation instructions for the basic crawler script and the parallelized crawl-coordinator script are described in the next section.


Running Basic Crawls

This is a guide for running basic crawls using crawler. The crawler script scrapes ads from a single website, without the Docker-based profile isolation.


First, you must have a PostgreSQL database that has the schema defined in db/adscraper.sql. You can set this up yourself, or follow the instructions in db/

Then, install dependencies and compile the code in the crawler directory.

cd crawler
npm install
npm run build


The main script for the basic, CLI-based crawler is the Typescript file src/crawler-cli.ts. To compile the script run the following command:

npm run build  # or npx tsc, or tsc if you have Typescript installed globally

The compiled script is now at src/crawler-cli.js. To run the script, run:

node gen/crawler-cli.js

The --help flag will show the command line options.


In this example, we create a JSON configuration file for the Postgres database, in the crawler/ directory. The file is named pg_conf.json:

  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "database": "adscraper",
  "user": "adscraper",
  "password": "example_password_12345"

Create a directory for storing screenshots:

mkdir ~/adscraper_screenshots

Currently, crawls must be associated with a job. We need to manually create a job in the postgres database. We'll do this using the psql command line interface.

psql -h localhost -U adscraper
adscraper=# INSERT INTO job (name, timestamp) VALUES ('test crawl', NOW());

(Use CTRL+d to exit.)

This command runs a crawl on the homepage and an article on

node gen/crawler-cli.js \
  --job_id 1 \
  --max_page_crawl_depth 2 \
  --url \
  --screenshot_dir ~/adscraper_screenshots/ \
  --label news \
  --pg_conf_file pg_conf.json \

Crawling lists of sites in parallel and in isolation

Using crawl-coordinator, you can crawl a large list of sites with a single command, using parallel crawler instances. crawl-coordinator also ensures that each crawl has a fresh profile, by using a separate Docker container for each site in the list.


First, to run crawl-coordinator, you must run a Postgres database in a Docker container, connected to a Docker bridge network called adscraper. For instructions, please read the section titled "Setup (for Docker-based crawls)" in db/

Next, install dependencies and compile the code in both crawl-coordinator and crawler.

cd crawler
# Install crawler deps
npm install
# Build Docker image for crawler
npm run build:docker

cd ../crawl-coordinator
# Install crawl-coordinator deps
npm install
# Compile crawl-coordinator
npm run build

Note for Windows users: Ensure that crawler/ has Unix-style LF line endings, and not Windows-style CRLF line endings, before building the crawler image (npm run build:docker). If your Git is configured to check out files with CRLF endings, you may have to do this manually. I use Notepad++ -> Edit -> EOL Conversion -> LF.


The main script for the basic, CLI-based crawler is the Typescript file src/crawl-coordinator.ts. To compile the script run the following command:

npm run build  # or npx tsc, or tsc if you have Typescript installed globally

The compiled script is now at src/crawl-coordinator.js. To run the script, run:

node gen/crawl-ccoordinator.js

This will show the command line options.


First, we create a Postgres database in Docker, per instructions in db/, if you have not already.

docker pull postgres:13
docker network create adscraper
docker volume create adscraper_data
docker run \
  --name adscraper-postgres \
  --mount source=adscraper_data,target=/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  --net adscraper \
  -p \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=adscraper \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example_password_12345 \
  -d \
psql -d adscraper -U adscraper -h localhost -p 5432 -f ../db/adscraper.sql

Next, create a postgres credentials file, named pg_conf.json, (anywhere is fine, but in the main repo folder in this example):

  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "database": "adscraper",
  "user": "adscraper",
  "password": "example_password_12345"

Then, create a CSV file containing the sites you want the crawlers to visit, named input_sites.csv (anywhere is fine, but in the main repo folder in this example).


Create a directory for storing screenshots and logs:

mkdir ~/adscraper_screenshots
mkdir ~/adscraper_logs

Lastly, run this command to start a crawl:

node gen/crawl-coordinator.js \
  --inputs ../input_sites.csv \
  --job_name my_first_crawl \
  --screenshot_dir ~/adscraper_screenshots/ \
   --log_dir ~/adscraper_logs \
   --pg_conf_file ../pg_conf.json \
   --num_workers 4 \
   --crawl_article \
   --screenshot_ads_with_context \
   --pg_container adscraper-postgres \
   --pg_container_port 5432 \

Example: VPN crawl

If you want to crawl through a VPN (e.g. to simulate crawling from a different location), you can supply a few additional arguments to the crawler. However, you must also do additional setup to make your database accessible to the crawler (e.g. make the database accessible over the internet), as the crawler containers will tunnel all traffic through the VPN.

(This is a work in progress - we made this work for some research code, but it is currently quite janky.)

node gen/crawl-coordinator.js -i
  --inputs ../input_sites.csv \
  --job_name my_first_crawl \
  --screenshot_dir ~/adscraper_screenshots/ \
  --log_dir ~/adscraper_logs \
  --pg_conf_file ../pg_conf.json \
  --num_workers 4 \
  --crawl_article \
  --screenshot_ads_with_context \
  --shuffle \
  --geolocation London \
  --vpn docker \
  --vpn_hostname \
  --wireguard_conf my_wireguard_conf.conf

Writing your own crawl script

Instead of running the crawler-cli command one site at a time, or using crawl-coordinator (if you don't want all of the heavy-weight isolation features), you can write your own Node.js script to automate the crawler.

Example: create a file at crawler/src/myCrawlScript.ts

import * as crawler from './crawler';
import { Client } from 'node-postgres';

(async () => {
  let postgres = new Client({
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "adscraper",
    "user": "adscraper",
    "password": "example_password_12345"
  await postgres.connect();

  const sites = [

  for (let site of sites) {
    try {
      await crawler.crawl({
        clearCookiesBeforeCT: false,
        crawlArticle: true,
        crawlerHostname: 'localhost',
        crawlPageWithAds: false,
        dataset: 'test',
        disableAllCookies: false,
        disableThirdPartyCookies: false,
        jobId: 1,
        label: 'news',
        maxPageCrawlDepth: 2,
        screenshotAdsWithContext: true,
        screenshotDir: '~/adscraper_screenshots/',
        skipCrawlingSeedUrl: false,
        url: site,
        warmingCrawl: false,
        updateCrawlerIpField: false
      }, postgres);

    } catch (e) {
  await postgres.end();

For now, the script needs to go in the crawler directory - in the future, we may make this available as a npm library.


A web crawler for scraping online ad content


Language:TypeScript 98.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.5%Language:Shell 0.1%