Brandon's copy of TIDYVERSE

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Initial Description and Link: * Demonstrates how to flip ggplot axes *

Revision/Addition Description and Link: * Modified ggplot/forcats example to demonstrate sorting, other category *

Rivera R

Iniital Description and Link:


Initial Description and Link: * Demonstrates using the purrr package to map custom functions to data * tidyverse CREATE: using the purrr package with data

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Alexander S

Initial Description and Link: Demonstrates how to use the across() function from the dplyr package.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Angel G

Initial Description and Link: functions in dplyer and ggplot in the idyverse package Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Anthony C

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Brandon C

Initial Description and Link: * Demonstrates how to use multple functions from dplyr and ggplot2 to showcase the reults *

Revision/Addition Description and Link: *Extended Biyag Dukuray's vignette on ggplot2, specifically showing off breaking down bar graphs will fill into different groups and many of the different properties of scatterplots available in ggplot2.*

Dhanya A

Initial Description and Link: The Create Tidy verse Assignment using purr,dplyr, stringr, forcats within the tidyverse package.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Evelyn B

Initial Description and Link: dplyr vignette with tree data from Kaggle

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Frank N

Initial Description and Link:

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Guillermo S

Initial Description and Link:

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James N

Initial Description and Link: Purrr from the tidyverse package using map function.

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Jonathan C

Initial Description and Link:

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Koohyar P

Initial Description and Link: Koohyar Has upated the code and added a line to creat a Koch snowflake. Kock snowflake is a fractal and it is an interesting concenpt. Code is copied and not written by KP.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Lu B

Initial Description and Link:

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Lucas W

Initial Description and Link: Demonstrate the functionalities of dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, and readr using the soccer SPI dataset

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Markella G

Initial Description and Link:

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Nikoleta Nick E

Initial Description and Link: * Demonstrates the use of readr,dplyr,ggplot2 and their functions to analyse the dataset.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Peter T

Initial Description and Link:

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Richie R

Initial Description and Link:

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Shourov N

Initial Description and Link:

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Victor T

Initial Description and Link:

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Zig D

Initial Description and Link: Demonstrates the use of TidyVerse package.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:

Zixian L

Initial Description and Link:

Demonstrates the use of dplyr and ggplot2 from the tidyverse package.

Revision/Addition Description and Link:


Brandon's copy of TIDYVERSE